Hi Charles,
probably it is necessary to work a little bit with Oxide to explore the facilities.
This issue is only a cosmetic one. For my menus I found that I can use tab for \t to set the hotkeys on the right side, for instance:
hMenu = CreateMenu
hMenuPopup = CreateMenu
aps IDM_FILE_NEW, "&New"
aps IDM_FILE_OPEN, "&Open " tab "F8"
aps IDM_FILE_SAVE, "&Save " tab "F9"
aps IDM_FILE_SAVE_AS, "Save &As... " tab "shift-F9"
apm MF_SEPARATOR, 0, null
aps IDM_APP_CONS0, "System Console " tab "F7"
aps IDM_APP_CONS1, "OxyConsole " tab "shift-F7"
aps IDM_APP_FINDED, "FindEd" tab "Ctrl-F7"
apm MF_SEPARATOR, 0, null
aps IDM_APP_EXIT, "E&xit " tab "Alt-F4"
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_POPUP, hMenuPopup, "&File"
To create binary and independant binary is a nice feature. But could the binaries not be compiled to the path of the original code with the name of the file? For a oxygen.dll dependant binary I think there would be no copy _.o2bas necessary. For an independant binary there could be a _.o2bas copy of the progname.o2bas in the path of the source code and #file would be set to progname.exe. As I do not know what side effects might occur it is only an idea for the moment.