Hi Peter,
There are several corrections. The main problem was that Addr is a pointer value so it was just a matter of getting the referencing correct.
indexbase 0
include "wFunc.h"
Long Addr
Dim Mem as byte
Addr = GetMemory 100 'this is a pointer
mov edi,Addr
sub ecx,ecx
A: mov byte [edi+ecx],255 ' I do not see a way to hand over a constant ?
inc ecx 'loop A does not go ??
cmp ecx,100
jnz A
mov esi,Addr
mov ah,[esi]
mov Mem,ah
if Mem =255 Then Beep 440, 700
Print Hex mem 'ok
SaveFile "test.txt",*Addr,100 'some dates are incorrect in the file TEST.TXT, seems mystic like TBGL!
FreeMemory Addr 'but my SaveFile works correct! believe it! :o