$ filename "sudoku.exe"
'uses rtl32
'uses rtl64
uses corewin
uses console
dword dwSize
bool bVisible
end type
sub setcolor(int fg, bg)
SetConsoleTextAttribute (ConsOut, fg+bg*16)
end sub
sub locate(int row,int col, optional int cursor_visible=0,int shape=12)
cci.bVisible = cursor_visible
cci.dwSize = shape
SetConsoleCursorInfo(ConsOut, cci)
end sub
sub display(int col, row, string txt, optional int cursor_visible=0,int shape=12)
locate(row, col, cursor_visible, shape)
print txt
end sub
function replace(string t,w,r) as string 'parseutil.inc
sys a,b,lw,lr
string s=t
if a=0 then exit do
end do
return s
end function
redim int sudoku(9*9)
' use sudoku as 2d array with index 1
macro array2d_sudoku(x,y) sudoku(((y)-1)*9+(x))
redim int tmpArray(9*9)
double t1, t2
int maxval
int CheckNotify
int count
function loadSudoku()
string fname, s
string lf=chr(10)
int x
print "Solving Sudoku (9x9) using Recursive Backtracking"
printl "Filename to load? " : fname = input()
fname = rtrim ltrim fname
getfile(fname, s)
if len(s)=0 then print "Error: does not exist or cannot read file: " + fname : return 0
'simple check for /* comment at the beginning
int pos=instr(s,"*/")
if pos then s=mid(s,pos+2)
s=replace(s,cr, "") : s=replace(s,lf,"") : s=replace(s,tab,"")
s=replace(s,chr(32), "") : s=replace(s,",","") : s=replace(s,".","")
for x=1 to 81 : sudoku[x]=mid(s,x,1) : next x
print "Sudoku loaded"
return 1
end sub
sub checkForRotate()
string z1,z2,z3,z4
int ix,n
' No change?
for ix = 1 to 9 : z1 += sudoku[ix]: next ix : maxval = 1
' Rotate Grid 180?
for ix = 81 to 73 step -1 : z2 += sudoku[ix]: next ix : if val(z2) > val(z1) then maxval = 2
end sub
sub rotate()
int ix, n, r,c
if maxval > 1 then
printl : printl "Rotate grid 180 degrees"
n = 81
for ix = 1 to 81 : tmpArray[ix] = sudoku[n] : n -= 1 : next ix
for ix = 1 to 81 : sudoku[ix] = tmpArray[ix] : next ix
end if
end sub
sub printSudoku(int sudoku[], int x, y)
int row, col, x1
string index = " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
string underline = " ----------------------"
string vertLine = "|"
display(x,y, index)
y += 1
display(x,y, underline)
for row = 1 to 9
display(x, y+row, row ) : display(x+2, y+row, vertline)
x1 = x + 2
for col = 1 to 9
if sudoku[(row-1 )*9 + col] = 0 then
display(x1+col, y+row, " ")
display(x1+col, y+row, " " + sudoku[(row-1)*9 + col])
end if
if col = 3 or col = 6 or col = 9 then x1 = x1 + 2 : display(x1+col, y+row, "!" ) : x1 -= 1
x1 = x1 + 1
next col
if row = 3 or row = 6 or row = 9 then y += 1 : display(x, y+row, underline)
next row
end sub
function testSudoku() as int
' test columns vertically
int col, row, testrow
for col = 1 to 9
for row = 1 to 9
'if array2d_sudoku(col, row) != 0 then
if sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) != 0 then
for testrow = row+1 to 9
'if array2d_sudoku(col, row) = array2d_sudoku(col, testrow) then
if sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) = sudoku((testrow-1)*9 + col)
if CheckNotify = true then
printl "Error: Col " + col + ", Row "+ row" = " + array2d_sudoku(col, row) +
" and Col " + col + ", Row " + testrow" = " + array2d_sudoku(col, testrow) + cr
CheckNotify = false
end if
return 0
end if
next testrow
end if
next row
next next col
' test columns in row
int testcol
for row = 1 to 9
for col = 1 to 9
'if array2d_sudoku(col, row) != 0 then
if sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) != 0 then
for testcol = col+1 to 9
'if array2d_sudoku(col, row) = array2d_sudoku(testcol, row) then
if sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) = sudoku((row-1)*9 + testcol)
if CheckNotify = true then
printl "Error: Row " + row + ", Col " + col + " = " + array2d_sudoku(col, row) +
" and Row " + row + ", Col " + testcol + " = " + array2d_sudoku(testcol, row) + cr
CheckNotify = false
end if
return 0
end if
next testcol
end if
next col
next row
' test boxes
int BoxX, BoxY, Col_inBox, Row_inBox, TestCol_inBox, TestRow_inBox
int expr1, expr2
for BoxX = 1 to 3
for BoxY = 1 to 3
for Col_inBox = 1 to 3
for Row_inBox = 1 to 3
'expr1 = array2d_sudoku(3*(BoxX-1) + Col_inBox, 3*(BoxY-1) + Row_inBox)
expr1 = sudoku(((3*(BoxY-1) + Row_inBox)-1)*9 + 3*(BoxX-1) + Col_inBox)
if expr1 != 0 then
for TestCol_inBox = 1 to 3
for TestRow_inBox = 1 to 3
'expr2 = array2d_sudoku(3*(BoxX-1) + TestCol_inBox, 3*(BoxY-1) + TestRow_inBox)
expr2 = sudoku(((3*(BoxY-1) + TestRow_inBox)-1)*9 + 3*(BoxX-1) + TestCol_inBox)
if expr1 = expr2 and (Col_inBox != TestCol_inBox or Row_inBox != TestRow_inBox) then
if CheckNotify = true then
printl "Error: Box h,v: " + BoxX + ", " + BoxY + " -- Col:Row " + Col_inBox + ":" + Row_inBox +
" = Col:Row " + TestCol_inBox + ":" + TestRow_inBox + " (" + expr1 + ")" + cr
CheckNotify = false
end if
return 0
end if
next TestRow_inBox
next TestCol_inBox
end if
next Row_inBox
next Col_inBox
next BoxY
next BoxX
return 1
end function
function solve() as int
' recursive brute-force method
' check if Sudoku is correct
count += 1
if testSudoku() = 0 then return 0
'test next free position
int col, row, testnum
for col = 1 to 9
for row = 1 to 9
'if array2d_sudoku(col, row) = 0 then
if sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) = 0 then
for testnum = 1 to 9
'array2d_sudoku(col, row) = testnum
sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) = testnum
if solve() = true then return true
next testnum
'does not fit
'array2d_sudoku(col,row) = 0
sudoku((row-1)*9 + col) = 0
return false
end if
next row
next col
return true
end function
sub main()
string ans
setcolor(7, 0)
if not loadSudoku() then goto loop2
printSudoku(sudoku[], 5,5)
CheckNotify = true
if testSudoku() then
printl : printl "Solving ..."
count = 0
if CheckNotify = true then CheckNotify = false
t1 = GetTickCount
setcolor(11, 0)
if maxval > 1 then printSudoku(sudoku[], 40,5)
if solve() = false then printl : printl "Solution not possible" : goto loop2
setcolor(7, 0)
t2 = GetTickCount
printSudoku(sudoku[], 40,5)
printl : printl "Elapsed time: " + (t2-t1)/1000 + " seconds"
printl "Recursive calls: " + count + " "
end if
printl "Load another file? (Y/N) " : ans = ltrim rtrim(input())
if lcase(ans) = "y" then goto loop1
end sub