Hi Charles,
seems good idea to me. But in such a case it would have to be header in specific language, or am I wrong? Or would it be some kind of general XML?
I was testing the Oxygen a bit this weekend. Interesting observation is that once I use:
#include "..\inc\rtl32.inc"
for example, then the F5 key from the SciTe does not execute anything, and just builds EXE.
I liked what I saw, only suggestions:
- The error messages are very, very brief, sometimes I didn't know what's going on. For example when I had bad path for INC file it kept telling me "Error, problem with file". Maybe "Include file could not be located in" and then the presumed location would make the debugging easier. I was confused, so I headed to help file to seek help in the #include topic, where I found example code
#include "rtl32.inc"
, which didn't worked. I had to setup the path as
#include "..\inc\rtl32.inc"
by experimenting
- I would recommend to structure the documentation in more natural way. For example, the Keyword list only appears after pressing F1 from the IDE, but I cannot find a topic for it later
- Some of the topics are really brief, for example the one for COM keyword. Most of them are okay for people already programming, but for newcomers to coding it can be a bit brief.
I understand the points 2 and 3 are present due to fact Oxygen is in active developement.
What I really love on other side is instant compilation and overall feel of the language. I will repeat myself, but you do great job Charles