Hi Jumpandrun,
A warm welcome to the Forum!
Yes the manual is very terse but there are quite a large number of examples. The syntax is still evolving, but the core functions are minimal and have not grown very much in the last 18 months or so.
The compiler front-end embeds the Oxygen dll. They are written in FreeBasic and you can find them in tools/Compilers/Exo2FB/
There is a mini Console API in tools/Compilers/
and also two console projects in /projects/ made by Peter and Kent.
With regard to Oxygen Arrays, they are low-level static types but can be overlayed onto any memory space, including strings. Dynamic arrays and multidimensionality are left to the user. But the use of OOP techniques can substantially eliminate the need for arrays
Creating and filling static arrays
These are equivalent:
dim long(10)<=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
dim as long(10)=>(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
and a few other permutations...