What I heard so far is that with the upcoming version of OSX (this summer) it will be harder (or even impossible) to install non-signed apps from the Apple Store.
What the implication will be in regards to Indie Programming Languages I don't know.
I can imagine that you still can download and run executable files (from other sources) but the user has to click several OK buttons to make it happen.
(if it's only once at install it's not a big deal)
BTW: The compilers I know that are available for OSX are:
Apple XCode (Objective C)
GCC (never tested it)
Go (will test it soon)
JavaScript (well...)
Java (no VM installed by default anymore - will be more restricted in the future for security reasons)
PureBasic (uses XCode - or part of it - to generate executable files)
RealBasic (it's actually a big slow VM)
Objective Basic (generates Objective C files -> uses XCode - will test it soon)
TCC (never tested it)
The nice thing is that with the right tools you can create an APP package that entails all needed files in order to run the application.
(it's actually a zip file that's renamed to app, but certain static files, like icons, need to be in a specific location; inside the zip file)
With that, if you delete the app file everything goes with it (exception: files that are created at runtime because they are outside of this app file).
No dependency hell... if done right!
Just to make it clear:
I'm not talking about iOS for iPhone and iTab - I'm talking about OSX for Apple desktops and laptops.
Sometimes I fall into a trap because I'm used to Windows/Linux and expect stuff to be difficult.