I will try indexbase 0 & 1 and what is the difference ...
On default, O2 assumes
arrays start at index 1.
indexbase lets you change this default behavior. If you are using arrays that start at index 0 but you haven't specified
indexbase 0 then in the For/Next loop that Charles showed, O2 may either i) skip working for
arg0[0] and develop memory leaks here (at best), or ii) crash completely (in the worst case). Either way, O2's behavior will be, technically speaking, undefined.
Try to always match you arrays with an explicit declaration of the respective
indexbase. We will all be getting significantly fewer headches if we do it too. Don't rely on the language defaults; be very specific about
everything you do in your code.
Do not use string assignments that generate temporary strings
in For/Next, While/Wend, Do/End Do loops! OxygenBasic cannot automatically collect temporary string garbage generated internally in such loops!