Author Topic: Maybe this forum should make a specific section for "Conversion PB to O2"  (Read 2067 times)

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Since there is a strong demand to convert from PB to O2, maybe we should make one section
especially dedicated to this conversion?  what do you think?


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The Reference section is for this purpose.

Mike Lobanovsky

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+1 John.


Could you move this topic to Development or Open Forum, please? It doesn't characterize or "introduce" OxygenBasic per se in any way IMO. OxygenBasic is broader than PB whose compatibility "layer" could be just a special case of OxygenBasic deployment. O2 has already been used to implement several languages in their base entirety (cf. Charles' ThinBasicOxygen, DLLC for Script BASIC, and LeanLisp; my OxyScheme; Ed Davis' ToyInterpreter; Aurel's Ruben).


I think O2 should be regarded as a back end engine (sort of infinite Turing machine :) ) capable of developing/emulating any language, individual front ends being developed as needed in the form of specific preprocessor/parser/lexer modules and accompanying libraries that would host runtime implementations of language specific functionalities.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 08:30:13 PM by Mike Lobanovsky »


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Maybe a special section for PB bcos this will encourage more PB users to join as you already have seen many
PB users have just join and many more will come over once they knew what Drake and Bob Carver are upto.

the Drakes will only want to create a distraction from their incompetence of getting a new compiler ready.


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I never heard of anyone other than Bob Zale able to generate a PowerBASIC distribution. I think the PB 64 bit story is just noise.

Too funny if Drake bought a BASIC compiler they can't recreate. I doubt Zale documented the procedure. I think he took it with him to his grave.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 08:05:43 PM by John »


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Quote from: Mike
I think O2 should be regarded as a back end engine

Charles has already demonstrated the concept with DLLC. Script BASIC in essence has a O2 dynamic BASIC compiler as a SB extension module. It doesn't get any better than that.  8)

Mike Lobanovsky

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Exactly! I'm editing my initial message to add DLLC to the list. Sorry to have overlooked SB, John. My bad.

Mike Lobanovsky

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... you already have seen many
PB users have just join ...

I'm inclined to think that some such users might have been here only on a reconnaissance mission. Though certain others are likely to lurk incognito without bothering to register. I have already responded here to some frivolous tittle-tattle coming from afar behind the closed doors of their own kitchen room. ;)