i tried using mod function to get mod of a given string length, but it always return
a whole number ?
despite using double , float and single to define it
double m8
i was calculating the m8 =mod(18,8) which should gives 2.25
but the program below always return m8 = 2 ? without the decimal places or mantisa
the code is as below, maybe i might have done something wrong here?
any help is appreciated
uses rtl64
uses corewin
def Trim ltrim(rtrim(%1))
double m8 , mantisa
long LenofSt , whNum , posDot
string givSt , m8st
givSt ="123456789012345678"
LenofSt = Len( Trim(givSt))
m8 = mod(LenofSt ,8)
' display the mod and length of given string
print " m8 : " m8 + " Len of string : " LenofSt
' position of dot
m8st = Trim(str(m8))
posDot = instr(1,m8st,".")
whNum = Val( left (m8st,posDot-1))
mantisa = m8*8 - whNum
print str(m8) + " " + whNum + " " + mantisa