I am about half way finished converting my glwindow class to oxygen with the help of your header file conversion Charles. I am doing compiles along the way and trying to fix problems as they occur.
But this one I am stuck on. It knows about DEVMODE as it didn't give any errors till the 4th line. Here is the Error message.
Not found : screensettings.dmpelswidth
Here is the segment of code it comes from:
DEVMODE screenSettings;
memset( &screenSettings, 0, sizeof( screenSettings ) )
screenSettings.dmSize = sizeof( screenSettings )
screenSettings.dmPelsWidth = Width
screenSettings.dmPelsHeight = Height
screenSettings.dmBitsPerPel = Bits
I also couldn't use a variable named Left. It gave a message that seems like it is treating it as function Left("Word",2) so for now I just named it Lft