Author Topic: why not use c for O2 development?  (Read 6262 times)

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Re: why not use c for O2 development?
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2012, 03:55:43 PM »
I propose to the c++ committee that they start fresh with a new language, call it c--   this means no c legacy, no bloat, a modern language that taps into the power of what is here now and on the horizon.
Then all the operating systems be rewritten in this new c-- and we once and for all can move forward at light speed with elegant operating system apis and other higher level languages that can be built with c--

C-- is already taken.  You have to come up with your own name :P

Go in that respect is interesting. It is moving quickly on the development side, but people are adapting existing libraries based on c/c++ to go instead of writing new go based libraries. I guess they are stuck because the OS's are in c, again. So this is the catch 22 we are in.

That's the point:
A language has zero market acceptance if there is no binding to libraries or code written in C.

I hope that there will be more real go libraries over time.
(as I like the language...)

Charles Pegge

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Re: why not use c for O2 development?
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2012, 08:26:41 PM »
If I concentrated on a C translation of Oxygen, and did nothing else, it would probably take about 6 to 9 months. (about 1500 hours). I am gradually gaining in C experience, but I think developing in FB is somewhat easier. The String handling in Basic is a major advantage, so I would like to defer this exercise until  the code stops mutating so much. I also anticipate that a working C emitter will greatly reduce  the length of this task.

Re macro:

The well-disciplined use of macros should not cause any problems. If you like, you can call them templates and in-line functions :).

I believe C++ started out as a set of C macros, and these eventually became Classes and other C++ constructs



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Re: why not use c for O2 development?
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2012, 11:53:51 AM »
C-- is already taken.

Great, another acronym to remember.  :o