Author Topic: Lisp in Basic  (Read 219654 times)

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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #570 on: August 19, 2014, 10:05:17 AM »

neither (silent) nor (speak) / (talk) is standard  ..  (as many things in NewLisp -- it's Lisp , but it mixes some Common Lisp and Scheme --  and adds some things --  p.e.  (eval-string    )  is very interesting imho (for embedding p.e.)  ).

PicoLisp goes even further away from any standard .. Mr Alexander Burger calls next a gem  -- definition of (mutual?) recursion :


(de recur recurse
   (run (cdr recurse)) )

the "de" stands for define/defun

best Rob   

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #571 on: August 19, 2014, 10:33:42 AM »

Thanks for the information. You may pass over my response to Mr Nunes-Harwitt in its verbatim form.


There is absolutely no functionality whatsoever implemented in this QB 4.5 code that would allow the *QB program stack* to be restored in case Lisp-in-Basic hits an error while one of its many recursive GoSub's is in deep recursion into itself, its siblings and children, and its parent such as LispPrint or especially LispEval into the bargain.

All that the HandleError: trap actually does is unwind the Lisp code pointer *bsd* to zero in order to preclude any further execution and then point the program flow into a new round of looping within the main program loop LispReadEvalPrintLoop:.

This policy simply ignores the fact that the *QB program stack* near exhausted by previous deep recursion is left absolutely unattended. *(gc)* has nothing to do with the unwinding of *QB program stack* and cannot cure the situation by definition.

QB 4.5 has no mechanisms to reset an exhausted program stack. Standalone or inlined assembly could have stored the initial state of program stack pointer and reset it to the thus stored value whenever a Lisp exception was raised while in deep recursion. But this couldn't be mimiced in QB 4.5 at the time. TurboBasic (may BZ rest in peace) could do it but not its QB counterpart.

That said, the *only* feasible way to resolve this stalemate in QB 4.5 is to set up a global exception flag in the error trap and make all the recursive GoSub's bail out of recursion early. They should be moving up and up the recursion levels clearing their stack frames in a natural manner until the very first nested recrsion level surfaces in the main program loop LispReadEvalPrintLoop: where the exception flag may be safely cleared.

This is exactly how the current SB/FBSL/O2 code behaves thus being incongruously more safe, stack-wise, than its early QB 4.5 prototype.


Now John, my nightly recursive GoSub nightmare has turned into a nightmare by day. Almost every other GoSub yet left in LispEval is not only self recursive but it also recurses into pieces of itself. The work is very meticulous and bug prone. So I'm going completely off the air until I'm through.

I hope you won't be feeling overly lonely while I'm away. :)

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #572 on: August 19, 2014, 10:41:59 AM »
OK then Rob,

What does standard Scheme do while a program is loading from a disk file?

I do not want to invent my own syntax and vocabulary at this stage. I want to be able to run standard Scheme program solutions e.g. such as those found in the Scheme category on the RosettaCode site.

Once this is done, we can continue to amuse ourselves with making our XBLisp better and/or more versatile than standard Scheme.

So how does Scheme behave when loading files? (I simply don't have time enough for personal exploration of unknown territories... :) )


  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #573 on: August 19, 2014, 10:47:05 AM »
I hope you won't be feeling overly lonely while I'm away.

I'll keep the light on while you're away.  :'(

I will send your message to Arthur and CC you on the e-mail.


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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #574 on: August 19, 2014, 01:09:35 PM »
Hi Mike,

BigLoo Scheme and CL identical , just the definition names (attached  -- loaded what I posted here today  the pr.scm file ).
In case of an error, both will give more detail where it goes wrong.

.. and if I may , something the true Lisper (the religious type) may not tell you -- those variadic and typeless  - while fantastic and glorious abstractions - have a flip-side :::   speed.  (which is completely logical) 

I did a test now  (attached)
JuliaN  : highest compiler optim. ,   variadic and typeless
Julia    : turned off above  ...     this means I have to declare my variables and things like (+ a b c) do not work any more , it's just (+ a b)   .. finito.. 

best Rob
hoping you see any difference on a faster computer than mine  (that means probably almost every computer  8)  )




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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #575 on: August 19, 2014, 03:56:25 PM »

Why are those .exe files so large? Is there stored user data in those files?

Why is GCL / CL (common lisp) and the word HUGE synonymous while doing my discovery?

Back to SBLisp. Can this Ackermann Scheme example be convert to run in the home team Lisp? (SBLisp, FBLisp and maybe O2Lisp)

Code: [Select]
(define (A m n)
        ((= m 0) (+ n 1))
        ((= n 0) (A (- m 1) 1))
        (else (A (- m 1) (A m (- n 1))))))

It may not be immediately obvious that the evaluation of A(m, n) always terminates. However, the recursion is bounded because in each recursive application either m decreases, or m remains the same and n decreases. Each time that n reaches zero, m decreases, so m eventually reaches zero as well. (Expressed more technically, in each case the pair (m, n) decreases in the lexicographic order on pairs, which is a well-ordering, just like the ordering of single non-negative integers; this means one cannot go down in the ordering infinitely many times in succession.) However, when m decreases there is no upper bound on how much n can increase — and it will often increase greatly.

Here is a C BASIC Ackermann example.

Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cbasic.h"

FUNCTION int ackermann(int m, int n)
  IF (NOT n) THEN_DO RETURN_FUNCTION(ackermann(m - 1, 1));
  RETURN_FUNCTION(ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1)));

  DIM AS int m, n;
  DEF_FOR (m = 0 TO m <= 4 STEP INCR m)
    DEF_FOR (n = 0 TO n < 6 - m STEP INCR n)
      PRINT ("A(%d, %d) = %d\n", m, n, ackermann(m, n));

jrs@laptop:~/C_BASIC/sblisp$ time ./ackermann
A(0, 0) = 1
A(0, 1) = 2
A(0, 2) = 3
A(0, 3) = 4
A(0, 4) = 5
A(0, 5) = 6
A(1, 0) = 2
A(1, 1) = 3
A(1, 2) = 4
A(1, 3) = 5
A(1, 4) = 6
A(2, 0) = 3
A(2, 1) = 5
A(2, 2) = 7
A(2, 3) = 9
A(3, 0) = 5
A(3, 1) = 13
A(3, 2) = 29
A(4, 0) = 13
A(4, 1) = 65533

real   0m3.090s
user   0m3.084s
sys   0m0.000s

Caching Hack

Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int m_bits, n_bits;
int *cache;
int ackermann(int m, int n)
        int idx, res;
        if (!m) return n + 1;
        if (n >= 1<<n_bits) {
                printf("%d, %d\n", m, n);
                idx = 0;
        } else {
                idx = (m << n_bits) + n;
                if (cache[idx]) return cache[idx];
        if (!n) res = ackermann(m - 1, 1);
        else    res = ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));
        if (idx) cache[idx] = res;
        return res;
int main()
        int m, n;
        m_bits = 3;
        n_bits = 20;  /* can save n values up to 2**20 - 1, that's 1 meg */
        cache = malloc(sizeof(int) * (1 << (m_bits + n_bits)));
        memset(cache, 0, sizeof(int) * (1 << (m_bits + n_bits)));
        for (m = 0; m <= 4; m++)
                for (n = 0; n < 6 - m; n++)
                        printf("A(%d, %d) = %d\n", m, n, ackermann(m, n));
        return 0;

jrs@laptop:~/C_BASIC/sblisp$ time ./anor
A(0, 0) = 1
A(0, 1) = 2
A(0, 2) = 3
A(0, 3) = 4
A(0, 4) = 5
A(0, 5) = 6
A(1, 0) = 2
A(1, 1) = 3
A(1, 2) = 4
A(1, 3) = 5
A(1, 4) = 6
A(2, 0) = 3
A(2, 1) = 5
A(2, 2) = 7
A(2, 3) = 9
A(3, 0) = 5
A(3, 1) = 13
A(3, 2) = 29
A(4, 0) = 13
A(4, 1) = 65533

real   0m0.035s
user   0m0.000s
sys   0m0.036s
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:24:47 PM by John »


  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #576 on: August 19, 2014, 11:08:02 PM »

I was trying to convert the caching hack version of the Ackermann example using your shifts() function. If I can get this to work I'll use the C extension module version of shifts() you wrote.

Code: [Select]
' Script BASIC Ackermann

function shifts(v,p,ar)
  local bp,ba,co,cq,bi,x,y,d
  x=0xffffffff and v
  for co=0 to 31
  for co=0 to 31
    bi=x and bp
    if (bi<>0) then
      if ((cq>=0)and(cq<32)) then
      end if
    end if
    bp = bp + bp
  if (ar) then
    if (x and 0x80000000) then 
    end if
  end if
  for co=0 to 31
   if ((ba[co]<>0)or(co>=d)) then
      y=y or bp
    end if
    bp = bp + bp
end function

' PRINT shifts(0x80000000,2),"\n"
' PRINT shifts(-32,-2,1),"\n"
' PRINT shifts(8,-2),"\n"

FUNCTION ackermann(m, n)
  IF NOT m THEN ackermann = n + 1
  IF n >= shifts(1, -n_bits) THEN
    idx = 0
    idx = shifts(m, n_bits) + n
    IF cache[idx] THEN ackermann = cache[idx]
    res = ackermann(m - 1, 1)
    res = ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1))
  IF cache[idx] = res THEN ackermann = res

m_bits = 3
n_bits = 20

SPLITA STRING(1048576,"") BY "" TO cache
FOR m = 0 TO 1
  FOR n = 0 TO 3 - m
    PRINT "A(",m," , ",n,") = ", ackermann(m, n),"\n"
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:25:19 PM by John »

Charles Pegge

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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #577 on: August 20, 2014, 03:04:48 AM »
Hi John,

The non-recursive Ackermann seems an ugly beast. Is there any benefit in porting it?

Oxygen and Lispish Recursive: (untested!)
Code: [Select]
function Ack(sys m,n) as sys
sys t
if m>0 then
  if n>0 then
    return Ack(m-1,t) 
    return Ack(m-1,1)
  end if
  return n+1
end if
end function


( let ack " m n
  (if (> m 0 )
    (if (> n 0)
        (decr m)
        (decr n)
        (let t (ack n 1))
        (ack m t)
      ;else n=0
        (decr m)
        (ack m 1)
    ;else m=0
    (+ n 1)
  ) ;end if m>0

« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 03:12:01 AM by Charles Pegge »


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Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #578 on: August 20, 2014, 07:54:14 AM »
The non-recursive Ackermann seems an ugly beast. Is there any benefit in porting it?

It seems fast but not sure about the results.  Thanks Charles for the help & code!

FYI   Ack(4,1) gives me a seg. fault.

Code: [Select]
' Ackermann

FUNCTION Ack(m, n)
  IF m > 0 THEN
    IF n > 0 THEN
      t = Ack(m, n - 1)
      Ack = Ack(m - 1, t)
      Ack = Ack(m - 1, 1)
    END IF
    Ack = n + 1

FOR m = 0 TO 3
  FOR n = 0 TO 3
    PRINT "A(",m,",",n,") = ",Ack(m, n),"\n"

jrs@laptop:~/sb/sb22/sblisp$ time scriba
A(0,0) = 1
A(0,1) = 2
A(0,2) = 3
A(0,3) = 4
A(1,0) = 2
A(1,1) = 3
A(1,2) = 4
A(1,3) = 5
A(2,0) = 3
A(2,1) = 5
A(2,2) = 7
A(2,3) = 9
A(3,0) = 5
A(3,1) = 13
A(3,2) = 29
A(3,3) = 61

real   0m0.013s
user   0m0.012s
sys   0m0.004s
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:25:57 PM by John »

Mike Lobanovsky

  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #579 on: August 20, 2014, 08:42:44 AM »
Hi John,

I can soothe you a little. An attempt to calc (4,1) on any indie interpreter, BASIC or otherwise, will lead to a memory access exception (segfault in Linux lingo) due to the interpreter's process stack exhaustion caused by very deep recursion. The same happens also in FBSL, for that matter. This isn't a specific deficiency in SB but rather a common mischief. One will have to recompile one's interpreter with much larger settings of stack reserve and stack commit options in one's compiler/linker than their usual default values. Interpreters are too stack hungry for their own personal needs.

Secondly, both of your programs are recursive. There's no difference in their Ackermann algo implementation. The only difference between them is a cache used in the native C program to store intermediate calculation results. Each recursion will not go any deeper if the cache already contains the results calculated earlier for particular combinations of m and n values. Avoiding re-recursion would speed up the program significantly. You can see it in your own benchmarks. But this isn't an algorithmic solution, that's simply a hack.

Finally, here's my XBLisp solution using Rob's iterators. It is perhaps clumsy and naive but it calcs up to (3, 2) = 29 in less than a second. An attempt to calc (4,1) will lead to an Out of memory exception in about 15 minutes: ;)

Code: [Select]
;;; Rob's macros

(define make-listx
     (lambda (i x L)
      (if (= i x) L
          (make-listx (+ i 1) x (cons i L)))))

(define range
  (lambda (x)
    (reverse (make-listx 0 x '() ))))

(define iterate
  (lambda (op it)
    (map (eval op) (range it))
  T ))

;;; ======= My LISP program ======

;; Define iterators
(define m 0)
(define n 0)

;; John's recursive Ackermann algo redefined
(define A
  (lambda (x y)
      ((= x 0) (+ y 1))
      ((= y 0) (A (- x 1) 1))
        (A (- x 1) (A x (- y 1)))

;; My Ackermann call
(define Ackermann
  (lambda ()
    (print '"A(") (print m)
      (print '", ") (print n)
        (print '") = ") (print (A m n))
    (set! n (+ n 1))

(define for-inner
  (lambda ()
    (set! n 0)
    (iterate 'ackermann (- 6 m))
    (set! m (+ m 1))

(define for-outer
  (lambda ()
    (iterate 'for-inner 4)

(define main
  (lambda ()
    (iterate 'newline 10)
    (print  '========================== ) (newline)
    (print '"My First XBLisp Program :)") (newline)
    (print  '========================== ) (newline) (newline)


;;; ==== THAT'S ALL FOLKS! ====

Enjoy! :)


Charles Pegge

  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #580 on: August 20, 2014, 08:53:34 AM »
Ackermann 4,1 also exhausts the stack on o2 code!


  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #581 on: August 20, 2014, 08:54:09 AM »
Damn you're good!

Thanks for the explanation about common stack exhaustion.

Did you know that SB allows GOSUB/GOTO within a FUNCTION/SUB? I know this isn't going to help in the final C based implementation but is a way I could get SBLisp into a MODULE and call it from BASIC.

Mike Lobanovsky

  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #582 on: August 20, 2014, 09:07:56 AM »
Hi Charles,

It may be an FB problem, not yours. :)

Mike Lobanovsky

  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #583 on: August 20, 2014, 09:14:14 AM »
Isn't it a bit extravagant to meet a person with the word "damn"? But "you're good" sure sweetens the pill! :D

Yes John, I'm aware of that and in fact, the old version of SBLisp that's currently in the repo contains a lot of such GoSub's left in SUB LispEval(). I'm still fighting to remove them completely and ensure rock solid bailout of recursion in XBLisp error cases.


  • Guest
Re: Lisp in Basic
« Reply #584 on: August 20, 2014, 09:22:10 AM »
Code: [Select]
jrs@laptop:~/sb/sb22/sblisp$ time scriba ackermann.scm
SBLisp - Scheme BASIC Lisp

(define make-listx
     (lambda (i x L)
      (if (= i x) L
          (make-listx (+ i 1) x (cons i L)))))
(define range
  (lambda (x)
    (reverse (make-listx 0 x '() ))))
(define iterate
  (lambda (op it)
    (map (eval op) (range it))
  T ))
(define m 0)
(define n 0)
(define A
  (lambda (x y)
      ((= x 0) (+ y 1))
      ((= y 0) (A (- x 1) 1))
        (A (- x 1) (A x (- y 1)))
(define Ackermann
  (lambda ()
    (print '"A(") (print m)
      (print '", ") (print n)
        (print '") = ") (print (A m n))
    (set! n (+ n 1))
(define for-inner
  (lambda ()
    (set! n 0)
    (iterate 'ackermann (- 6 m))
    (set! m (+ m 1))
(define for-outer
  (lambda ()
    (iterate 'for-inner 4)
(define main
  (lambda ()
    (iterate 'newline 4)
    (print  '=================== ) (newline)
    (print  '"Ackermann - SBLisp") (newline)
    (print  '=================== ) (newline) (newline)


A(0, 0) = 1
A(0, 1) = 2
A(0, 2) = 3
A(0, 3) = 4
A(0, 4) = 5
A(0, 5) = 6
A(1, 0) = 2
A(1, 1) = 3
A(1, 2) = 4
A(1, 3) = 5
A(1, 4) = 6
A(2, 0) = 3
A(2, 1) = 5
A(2, 2) = 7
A(2, 3) = 9
A(3, 0) = 5
A(3, 1) = 13
A(3, 2) = 29

real 0m1.133s
user 0m1.116s
sys 0m0.012s

Thank You  !!!