What's next?
It seems reasonable to make BASIC LISP look more like standard Scheme. E.g.
(print) isn't Scheme while
(display) is. A list of missing functionality and keywords would be welcome.
It would be nice to have a help feature in SBLisp.
Not feasible. The 19-page PDF is the absolute minimum to allow a BASIC-er to write the simplest LISP lambda. Been there, done that.
Can we eliminate the limitations (MAX settings) on arrays so we can deal with larger / more complex scripts?
Something's telling me this problem is non-existent in SB with its dynamic-only arrays. Once the initial arrays are created and initialized, they may grow on and on automatically as their newer elements are referred to for the first time.
FBSL currently uses static Variant arrays that may grow with REDIM PRESERVE when necessary. Alternatively, slight changes may be added to the code in order to use dynamically growable Variant arrays exactly like those in SB.
I would like to have a tutorial/instructions on adding new symbols to SBLisp.
Let's have a list of missing keywords first (see above) -- that's what postage stamp collectors would call a
manque-liste a-la francais -- and then try to implement the simplest ones that have very close correspondence to the existing ones, e.g. trigonometric functions. This will develop a "feeling" for the source code structure and teach us what is what in it and why. Then more complicated cases may be tackled as our experience grows.
What is the format you plan to use for external resources (SDL, SQLite, Scheme library sets (pkg), ...)
I don't have any particular plans for now. Frankly, I'm not interested in that language very much as it is. It's more about that sort of a drive that I'm feeling while cracking all these brainteasers in a piece of alien code.
Perhaps Charles can give you some ideas unless he's building his LispishLisp out of similar curiosity.
P.S. I would like to see the current FBSL version of SBLisp if you have time to post or point us to a link to download.
You can download
raw source code and a precompiled executable from the FBSL site.
Let me know when you think SBLisp is solid...
Time and tests will show. AS IS ==> no warranties given, no responsibility assumed. This isn't my own code after all. I would have never written it in this style in the first place, or I would've rewritten it a hundred times since the 90s.