Hi Aurel,
You will find the source (moved) to ProjectsA/Tools, and several files in inc
Drag and Drop:
from oxide.o2bas:
f = GetDropFiles(wparam)
f=rtrim f
from Winutil.o2bas:
function GetDropFiles(sys hDropParam) As string
string sDropFiles, sFiles
sys i,e
e=DragQueryFile(hDropParam, -1, null, 0)-1
for i = 0 To e
le=DragQueryFile(hDropParam, i, null, 1)
sfile=space le
DragQueryFile(hDropParam, i, StrPtr sFile, le+1)
If Ucase(mid(sFile, -4)) = ".LNK"
sDropFiles+= sFile + chr(13,10)
end if
next i
return sDropFiles
end function
Oxide will be going through a number of rapid iterations so I will be providing quick links for the binary.