Hi Charles,
in order to use imgwin.inc for Nehe lesson 08 I had to use #case capital. I did not give much attention to this directive before but it is a powerful possibility to prevent ambiguities yet it also requires some discipline which I did not notice before.
Perhaps you could change in Dialogs.inc line 308 the naming of the sub to:
sub Control( string ....
Then there would be no need for: #def Control CONTROL in such cases. Exact naming would be required nevertheless, but this is ok.
The same problem occurs with OPENFILENAMEA in FileDialog.inc. If the types were written lowercase then there would be no need e.g.:
typedef sys SYS
typedef char CHAR
but I do not know if there was a special intention for using uppercase for this structure in FileDialog.inc
There is also an error message when using console.inc with #case capital:
ASM ERR: coord_op(..)!! Unidentified instruction: coord_op, line 131
If I comment out line 131:
' dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
I can use console.inc with Tut08.o2bas or other projects which add #case capital, but I assume there is an intention for this line? I do not understand why the COORD type is not recognized in this case.
With the latest release of OxygenBasic (Feb. 24) you changed something with using structures? Prior to this version I could use:
ACCEL accl[13] = {
' {asc("O"), IDM_Load, FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL},
Now I have to use:
Did this change happen intentionally?