Author Topic: 02debugger : a debugger for o2  (Read 7487 times)

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02debugger : a debugger for o2
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:30:11 PM »
Hi all
I'm the fbdebugger's dev. Currently I'm adapting the debugger to O2. Thanks to Charles for the information he sent me.

Quick start
- For direct use : oxygen.dll and o2debugger.exe (for now 32bit but 64bit should work when compiling under 64bit).

- Or compile the dll as usually with the provided files (modified version B0 2018/03/29)
     compile o2debugger : fbc - console 02debugger.bas with button directory and rc.file in same directory.

- Compile 02bas files with the new dll, just adding a line at the top of main file, as in the example ''debug<path/name>.o2bas##
  You get an <name>_dbg.exe just to distinguish it from the nodebug one.

- Execute o2debugger and select the exe with the "directory" button or drag and drop on the left window

Refer to the help file and complementary text file for more information. It is about fbdebugger but most of the features are identical.

Feel free to ask (o2 forum or for help and above all report every issue you could encounter, with a (small) example.

- No change is done in the executable part only add of debugging data hence the exe size is obviously greater
- It's a beta version so some features are missing (WIP message) and there is a bit of work to get a polished version.
  Besides I do not know all the syntaxes of O2 well....
- The RTL32/64 includes are skipped. Is it a good thing to do the same with the other includes ?

- I keep Freebasic language because easier for me and reuse max of code.
- I hope Charles will better integrate my modifications in the original code :-)


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2018, 04:02:43 PM »
Welcome Laurent!

It's great to see O2 attract this class of talent.

Charles Pegge

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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2018, 05:55:20 AM »
Welcome to our forum, Laurent.

I have never used a debugger before, and have always relied on technique rather than technology to track and eliminate bugs. The most difficult ones, like indirect recursions in the o2 source code, can take around 4 to 8 hours to resolve. I don't know how a debugger would offer a significant advantage over a console and some well-chosen print statements. But I'm willing to learn. Perhaps some of the essentials can be built into o2 itself, such as a run-time procedure tracer.


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2018, 06:52:06 AM »
Code: Script BASIC
  1. PRINT "Got Here!\n"

What I use for 90% of my debugging.  :)

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2018, 07:02:53 AM »
Hi Laurent,

Welcome to the O2 forum and thank you very much for your contribution!

Can you please elaborate on the license status of your debugger's source code and resources (bitmaps)? OxygenBasic is in the Public Domain, and we would like to know the exact extent to which we're allowed to modify and/or possibly reuse the debugger code, in whole or in part, when and if we see fit.

Not all open source licenses are compatible with the Public Domain, and the compilers based on the O2 engine may or may not even be free or open source at all, at the end-product developer's own option.



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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2018, 02:17:47 AM »
Hi all and thank you for the welcome, :)

@John, Charles
A debugger allows you to run step by step or run to a line, see (and modify) the variable/parameter values at anytime without putting print everywhere.
With o2debugger you can also log the execution for later analyze,  see several elements of an array, see large area of memory displayed by a selected type (integer, short, etc), see all the field of structure, see the chaining of procedures (called by and so), execute automatically a step by step with a small pause and even change the execution (in a same procedure) to skip line(s) or to reexecute one(s). And many other features.
Just give it a try. I need some reports to fix (surely) existing issues.

I use also print but it's often faster finding the reason of bug with a debugger. As always don't use a drop hammer just for a nail :-)

Consider that you can use everything you want. I wrote all the code and except two icons based on standard I drew the other ones.
Anyway ask me if you are going to do something with them.

Strangely I have received two messages about splitting and merging this topic ???


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2018, 03:28:56 AM »
Hi Laurent,

I have not yet tried O2debugger.exe, but I think it could be very helpful in cases when O2 compiles successfully but crashes at runtime.

Can o2debugger.exe be used with oxygen.dll of the latest Oxygenbasic distribution or must it be used with oxygen.dll which you provided with your contribution? (could be a small disadvantage)



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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2018, 07:47:50 AM »
Hi Arnold,

No it's not possible as the data necessary for debugging is only added in "my" version. However there are not a lot of modifications and I'll provide a new version quickly, no later than tomorrow.

By the way the right command  for compiling o2debugger is : fbc -s gui o2debugger. A console is opened by the exe if needed.


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2018, 02:45:50 PM »
Modifications done for version B0 2018-05-24 T 12:49:29

02 code source and dll provided. :

@John please do not mix subjects. :)

Charles Pegge

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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2018, 07:24:56 PM »
Hi Laurent,

Which parts of o2 did you have to modify?

Mike Lobanovsky

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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2018, 09:41:02 PM »

Alongside a more common WinDiff, WinMerge is another excellent tool to easily locate, examine and process the differences between various versions of same documents, predominantly program sources. I'm using it on a day-to-day basis.)


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2018, 05:33:41 AM »
Quote from: Charles Pegge
Hi Laurent,

Which parts of o2 did you have to modify?
Hi Charles,

Only 8 files have been modified :
o2hdrs (max modified file)

Every modifcation is marked with ''mod DBG. If several lines added the end is also marked by ''end of mod or ''end of DBG.
Mostly  lines are added and sometimes replaced or just a instruction added.

For now ''debug <name of main code file>## is mandatory at top of user's main file to trigger the add of debugging data and get the file name.
eg ''debug D:\OxygenBasicProgress\OxygenBasic\test.o2bas##

Then a flag dbgf is set on. Without it no change is made in the exe.

It would be cool to have an option -d like -c to do that. there are just changes in co2.exe to transmit the file name.

Currently only the are skipped maybe all the other ones could be also skipped to avoid unusefull information. Your advice ?
I'll remove all the temporary variables (named TEMPOxx in o2debugger) added by the compiler. Your advice ?

In this case I'm using a batch with the tool diff.exe to find all the changes made in a set of files. It generates for each pair of files a text file with their differences, in a way a bit raw ;)
for %%F in (*.bas) do <path_diff>diff.exe %%F <path2>%%~nxF >diff%%~nF.txt
The batch file is executed in the first directory to compare files in the second directory (path2). An example of name: diffo2tran.txt.

Thank you for the spiltting.

Charles Pegge

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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2018, 08:11:12 AM »
I could provide per-line and per-procedure callbacks. Then you would not need to touch the source code, and it would work for all future versions of o2.


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2018, 08:46:49 AM »
That sounds a little like the SB preprocessor approach and I like it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 09:31:32 AM by John »


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Re: 02debugger : a debugger for o2
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2018, 12:42:34 PM »
Quote from: Charles Pegge
I could provide per-line and per-procedure callbacks. Then you would not need to touch the source code, and it would work for all future versions of o2.

Sorry not sure to understand how it would work anyway a lot of information is missing.
Below in detail the data necessary for debugging (to fill the corresponding section). In order to reduce the mods (mainly in o2hdrs) all of that could be put in an external file instead to be embedded in the exe. However I can assume the integration at least as long as it's FB code.

- Line addresses (filled when linking) with file index, proc index and line number.
- First and last executable lines of procedures
- file code names in same order than lines   
- structures
- procedures in same order than lines with file index and first line followed by their parameters and variables with type/address/indirect/dim/indexbase
Code: [Select]
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0001
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0002
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0003
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0005
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0008
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0009
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw000F
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0010
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0011
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0012
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0013
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0014
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0015
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0001 hw0016
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw001C
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0002 hw001D
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0002 hw001E
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0002 hw001F
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0002 hw0026
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw002A
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw002B
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw002C
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0032
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0033
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0035
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0036
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0037
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0038
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw003A
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw003C
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw003E
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0040
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0041
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0042
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0043
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0044
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0045
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0047
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0049
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw004B
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw004C
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw004D
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw004F
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0051
hl00000000 hw0001 hw0000 hw0001
hl00000000 hw0001 hw0003 hw0002
hl00000000 hw0001 hw0003 hw0003
hl00000000 hw0001 hw0003 hw0005
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0054
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw005E
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0060
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0064
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0065
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0066
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0069
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw006A
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw006B
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw006C
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw006D
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw006E
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw006F
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0070
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0071
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0072
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0073
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0074
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0075
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0004 hw0076
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0078
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw007A
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw007B
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw007D
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw007E
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw007F
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0080
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0081
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0082
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0083
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0084
hl00000000 hw0000 hw0000 hw0000
hl00000000 hl00000000
hl00000000 hl00000000
hl00000000 hl00000000
hl00000000 hl00000000
ga _main_  hl00000000
gd 0 2F 00 "F:D:\OxygenBasicProgress\OxygenBasic\test.o2bas"
gd 0 0F 00 "F:testinc.o2bas"
gd 0 E9 00 "T:rectangle 20
datain 4 0 0       9 AA #sys#sys#sys#sys#sys@00000 sys
show 4 4 0       9 AA @ string
posx 4 0 0 1 AA , sys
posy 4 4 0 1 AA , sys
lenx 4 8 0 1 AA , sys
leny 4 12 0 1 AA , sys
color 4 16 0 1 AA , sys
gd 0 6C 00 "T:tsubudt 8
fsubshort 2 0 0 1 AA , short
fsubbyte 1 2 0 1 AA , byte
fsubinteger 4 4 0 1 AA , integer
gd 0 40 01 "T:tudt 24
fsys 4 0 0 1 AA , sys
fbyte 1 4 0 1 AA , byte
flong 4 8 0 1 AA , long
fsubudt 8 12 0 5 AA , tsubudt
fsubudt.fsubshort 2 12 0 1 AA , short
fsubudt.fsubbyte 1 14 0 1 AA , byte
fsubudt.fsubinteger 4 16 0 1 AA , integer
uinteger 4 20 0 1 AA , sys
ubyte 1 20 0 1 AA , byte
gd 0 29 00 "T:simple 4
fsimp 4 0 0 1 AA , integer
gd 0 14 00 "P:method datain 0 15"
gd 0 2D 00 "V:this t=rectangle a=[ebp+0x8] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 28 00 "V:param t=sys a=[ebp+0xC] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 24 00 "V:pdata t=sys a=[ebp] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 25 00 "V:px t=sys a=[ebp+0xC] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 26 00 "V:py t=sys a=[ebp+0x10] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 26 00 "V:lx t=sys a=[ebp+0x14] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 26 00 "V:ly t=sys a=[ebp+0x18] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 28 00 "V:rgba t=sys a=[ebp+0x1C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 12 00 "P:method show 0 28"
gd 0 2D 00 "V:this t=rectangle a=[ebp+0x8] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 28 00 "V:param t=sys a=[ebp+0xC] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 24 00 "V:pdata t=sys a=[ebp] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2E 00 "V:_retval t=string a=[ebp-0x10] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:tab t=string a=[ebp-0x14] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2D 00 "V:cr t=string a=[ebp-0x1C] i=0 k=0 d=2 2  b=1"
gd 0 27 00 "V:2 t=long a=[ebp-0x20] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 11 00 "P:sub testsub 1 1"
gd 0 28 00 "V:param t=sys a=[ebp+0x8] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 24 00 "V:pdata t=sys a=[ebp] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2B 00 "V:vshort t=short a=[ebp+0x8] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 27 00 "V:a t=short a=[ebp-0x10] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 27 00 "V:9 t=long a=[ebp-0x14] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 16 00 "P:function test2 0 105"
gd 0 28 00 "V:param t=sys a=[ebp+0x8] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 24 00 "V:pdata t=sys a=[ebp] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2D 00 "V:totval t=integer a=[ebp+0x8] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2D 00 "V:totref t=integer a=[ebp+0xC] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:titi t=float a=[ebp+0x10] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2E 00 "V:motheref t=short a=[ebp+0x14] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2C 00 "V:_retval t=byte a=[ebp-0x10] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 29 00 "V:param t=sys a=[ebp-0x14] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2E 00 "V:_tatax t=integer a=[ebp-0x18] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 39 00 "V:staticshort t=short a=[ebx+0x1278] i=0 k=0 d=89 89  b=1"
gd 0 29 00 "V:tata t=byte a=[ebp-0x1C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 25 00 "V:14 t=8 a=[ebp-0x24] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 0F 00 "P:sub main: 0 1"
gd 0 39 00 "V:rectangle_table t=sys a=[ebx+0x1000] i=0 k=0 d=2 2  b=1"
gd 0 2E 00 "V:mtest t=string a=[ebx+0x1008] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 34 00 "V:vsub t=tsubudt a=[ebx+0x100C] i=0 k=0 d=10 10  b=1"
gd 0 39 00 "V:locintarr t=integer a=[ebx+0x105C] i=0 k=0 d=77 77  b=1"
gd 0 3A 00 "V:redimshort_buffer t=string a=[ebx+0x1190] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 36 00 "V:redimshort_count t=int a=[ebx+0x1194] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 32 00 "V:redimshort t=short a=[ebx+0x1198] i=1 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_qb t=sys a=[ebx+0x119C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_le t=sys a=[ebx+0x11A0] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_qn t=sys a=[ebx+0x11A4] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 26 00 "V:3 t=8 a=[ebx+0x11A8] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 30 00 "V:rect t=rectangle a=[ebx+0x11B0] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_qb t=sys a=[ebx+0x11C4] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_le t=sys a=[ebx+0x11C8] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_qn t=sys a=[ebx+0x11CC] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 26 00 "V:4 t=8 a=[ebx+0x11D0] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_qb t=sys a=[ebx+0x11D8] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_le t=sys a=[ebx+0x11DC] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 33 00 "V:redimshort_qn t=sys a=[ebx+0x11E0] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 26 00 "V:5 t=8 a=[ebx+0x11E4] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 29 00 "V:7 t=long a=[ebx+0x11EC] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 34 00 "V:vbyte t=byte a=[ebx+0x11F0] i=0 k=0 d=100 100  b=0"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:11 t=long a=[ebx+0x1254] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:13 t=long a=[ebx+0x1258] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 31 00 "V:vglobal t=integer a=[ebx+0x125C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2B 00 "V:vudt t=tudt a=[ebx+0x1260] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2F 00 "V:mtata t=integer a=[ebx+0x132C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2F 00 "V:mtotr t=integer a=[ebx+0x1330] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2E 00 "V:mtutu t=double a=[ebx+0x1334] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 30 00 "V:motheref t=short a=[ebx+0x133C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:16 t=long a=[ebx+0x1340] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2F 00 "V:iloop t=integer a=[ebx+0x1344] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:17 t=long a=[ebx+0x1348] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 2A 00 "V:19 t=long a=[ebx+0x134C] i=0 k=0 d= b=1"
gd 0 1A 00 "D:B0 2018-05-24 T 12:49:29"
00 00 00 01 `end_of_dbgdata` 01 /+1000