I must say something...
First :
Free Basic is very good basic compiler and enough old for many
general purposes.
From the beginning he is created to replace qbasic as console compiler and that is not enough.
Work with FB is not very much user friendly..even with few well known editors created trough time.
Also there is no official editor included into FB package.
Documentation is little bit complex and is not simple enough for newbies.
It was popular few years back but from todays point of view is not.
More than half of members gone ( like on many other basic forums) .
Jose have a right when says that FB still have more users than sb or o2
that is the
factI only can bet in one two things about o2.
is is more flexibile and simplier to use than fb
Oxygen - OOP is excellent and 10 times better than in any other programming language.
One big problem is how to attract younger population to BASIC?
You cannot do that with complex things(way of programming).