I have enhanced the #RESOURCE meta-statement to allow the PROJECT keyword. So, when you use:
The engine creates a subdirectory named RC and all the subdirectories where you can drag and drop
files to be embedded as resources in your executable. If you do not include a path, the engine does this
in the directory where the BAS source is located, If you include a path, the engine looks there instead.
The engine makes a recursive search on the destination path and gathers all the files and sorts them
accordingly, and creates a custom RC file, compiles it and embeds it in the executable.
Also, when you use:
#RESOURCE RES, "resources.res"
The engine will not accept custom resources like:
#RESOURCE ICON, rID, "someicon.ico"
But i was thinking... why not? Why not even allowing more than one RES file?
We control the engine, so why not?
The only reason i find ot not do it would
be that the manifest in the precompiled RES file could collide with a custom one...
but hey... its called override, not collide.
What do you guys think about this?