Thank you, Mike. I think this is a helpful info, because I can now assume that most of the routines work similar in o2scm.o2bas of version 0.2.8 compared to o2scm_03_2015.o2bas of version A 41.
I added the same print statements in o2scm.o2bas of A41. A 41 will not crash after the 3rd waitkey. If I comment out the waitkey statement, I can see that garbage collection will succeed after many cycles.
With A41 the flow is: E2,E2,E2,E6, E5,E6, E5,(t=0),E2,E2,E2,E6,E5 etc.
With version 0.2.8 : E2,E2,E2,E6, E6,E5, E6 ,E5,E6,E6,E5 crash
I am a bit confused about the value of t in E6 (t in v0.2.8 is about 10 times bigger than t in A 41). The flow of A41 is also different after E6 compared to v0.2.8. Does clratom or another macro in sub mark() work differently?