Hi all
I have started a new Project for creating DirectX9 Interfaces , so i took a quickly locks in voice.inc.
but get an error , any help please
here is the codes
'DirectX9 stuff by Emil Halim 15-3-2013
#case capital
'standalone definitions ad hoc
#define __in
#define __out
#define __in_opt optional
#define __out_opt optional
#define __RPC__in_opt optional
typedef dword DWORD,ULONG,UINT
typedef qword ULONGLONG
typedef bool BOOL
typedef zstring2 *LPCWSTR
typedef word USHORT
typedef void * PVOID
#define D3D_SDK_VERSION 31
extern lib "D3D9.DLL"
IDirect3D9* Direct3DCreate9(dword SDKVersion)
end extern
'from Unknwn.h
extern virtual
class IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface(refiid id, pvObject* ppv)
ULONG AddRef()
ULONG Release()
end class
' IDirect3D9
class IDirect3D9
from IUnknown
/*** IDirect3D9 methods ***/
HRESULT RegisterSoftwareDevice)()
HRESULT GetAdapterCount)()
HRESULT GetAdapterIdentifier)()
HRESULT GetAdapterModeCount)()
HRESULT EnumAdapterModes)()
HRESULT GetAdapterDisplayMode)()
HRESULT CheckDeviceType)()
HRESULT CheckDeviceFormat)()
HRESULT CheckDeviceMultiSampleType)()
HRESULT CheckDepthStencilMatch)()
HRESULT CheckDeviceFormatConversion)()
HRESULT GetDeviceCaps)()
HRESULT GetAdapterMonitor)()
HRESULT CreateDevice)()
end class
end extern
test program
' Test DX9 No# 1 15-3-2013
$ filename "TestDX9_1.exe"
'#include "../../inc/RTL32.inc"
'#include "../../inc/RTL64.inc"
#include "../../inc/COM/DirectX9.inc"
function main() as sys
end function