Thanks Peter,
We have a minimal console in inc/ but yours looks like the full API.
I would however, recommend changing all the long types to sys for 64 bit compatibility.
Here are some helper functions for mundane console use:
Function output(string bufout)
static sys buflen,bufrit
buflen=len bufout
WriteConsole ConsOut,strptr bufout,buflen,bufrit,null
End Function
Function input() As string
static sys blen
static zstring bufin[300]
ReadConsole ConsIn,strptr bufin,299,blen,null
return left bufin,blen
End Function
Function GetKey() as sys
static sys blen,mode
static zstring z[4]
GetConsoleMode ConsIn,mode
SetConsoleMode ConsIn,0
ReadConsole ConsIn,strptr z,1,blen,null
SetConsoleMode ConsIn,mode
return ?z
End Function