$ , % ,
REMARKS: $ and % are equivalent

RELATED: def #def macro #define

'EQUATES: $ or %

'strictly speaking these are single-line macros

  % a   = 1
  % b   = 2

  %c      3
  % c     3
  %c    = 3

  $d      4     
  $d      "four"
  %d      "four"

  %= e    b * c 'precalcuate e value '6
  '#recordof e

  % f     8
  %% f    7  'default value 7 (unless previously defined)

  %sp     " "
  %cm     ","
  '$ % prefixes and suffixes are ignored
  print a cm b cm c cm d cm e cm f
  'print %a cm %b cm %c cm %d cm %e cm f

  'arguments are represented by %1 .. %9
  % display "value of %1: " %1

  print display d