Hello Charles, unfortunately, none of this solutions are practical in this case.
As you may have already figured, i am implementing the AT option for arrays.
It works perfectly fine with UDT's and integer arrays, but presents this problem
when working with string, wstring and some floating point types.
In the case os STRING, Using bstring is not an option, because i need to think
about the programmer getting the array element VARPTR in order to pass the array
element BYREF to the modules. Granted, yes, i tested yesterday that it indeed solves
the issue, but If i return the pointer to a bstring when the code expects a pointer to a
string, something will fail. Program crashes.
About initializing the array with = "", in the example i set it up with = "Hello world",
does it need to be exactly a = ""? Because I cannot initialize an array like this when
passing the address with AT... I am supposed to rely on whatever is already there,
initializing the array would erase the initial contents, rendering ths feature useless.
Thanks for the suggestions though! It shows i wasn't too lost while testing, but what
about the function returining the contents of what print outputs? do you mean that
is normal? when it concatenates and stores what is supposed to be just a temporary
concatenation for outputing the value of r() is normal?
This is the final step for having perfect arrays. I found another solution which is a horrible
hack, but I would prefer to have an "official patch".