One thing I should mention and will be changed in the next SB 2.2 beta release is the SB include path in the configuration file doesn't work like the module path as relative to where scriba is started from. The include path is relative to where you are not where scriba lives. Once you decide where you are going to install ScriptBasic, edit the SB configuration file and use full paths for the module and include paths.
Here is my SB startup script I run after opening a terminal window.
export PATH=/home/jrs/sb/sb22/bin:$PATH
export SCRIBACONF=/home/jrs/sb/sb22/bin/basic.conf
Note the last entry is because I use the classic shell and not Unity. This prevents a client area size display issue with IUP.
To rebuild your basic.conf file to its binary form, follow these steps.
You can dump the current SB configuration to the screen or file (scriba -D > basic.conf.txt) and edit it in gedit. To convert the text file version of the basic.conf to its binary form, scriba -k basic.conf.txt will create a binary form where ever SCRIBACONF path points to. Just type scriba at the command line for a list of switches.