Hi Charles,
thank you for the link. I now know what I have to look for. The terms row-major order / column-major order were news to me and I was not aware that different programming languages use different ways to access multidimensional arrays. Somehow it is curious now that both macros above will work for lesson 11 - maybe this happens incidentally.
According to soil.h the soil library should be able to load the format bmp, tga, dds, png, jpg and save in format bmp, tga and dds. But the soil library must still be checked and tested. Until now I used only one of the 14 functions.
My final goal will be to use Oxygen's own facilities for the NeHe lessons either using OpenglSceneFrame.inc or ConsoleG.inc. But as we have to replace our kitchen completely I will be prevented from working with Oxygen the next few days.