Thanks Peter.
I had a few ideas for more efficient collision detection. It only makes a small difference.
But if there are large numbers of objects I would then adopt a zone mapping strategy to avoid exponential increases in collision tests.
/* Circle Collision by Peter o5/o4/2011 */
indexbase 0
include "wFunc.h"
OpenWindow "Circle Collison",800,600,ws_overlapped
SetFont 16,16,0,0
Long xCir1,yCir1,rCir1,xCir2,yCir2,rCir2,color,px,jx
Long xBox1,yBox1,xBox2,yBox2
Function CircleCollision(long xd, long yd,long rp) as long
iF xd*xd+yd*yd < rp*rp
return 1
End iF
End Function
Function BoxCollision(long xd, long yd,long rp) as long
iF abs(yd) < rp
iF abs(xd) < rp then return 1
end if
End Function
xCir1 =0 : yCir1=300 : rCir1=20
xCir2 =800 : yCir2=300 : rCir2=30
xBox1=0 : yBox1=200
xBox1=0 : yBox2=220
While WinExit=0
ClearBuffer color
Text "Collision " + Str(px) + "/" + Str(jx),312,32,RGB(255,255,255)
Circle xCir1,yCir1,rCir1,RGB(255,255,255)
Circle xCir2,yCir2,rCir2,RGB(255,255,255)
xCir1 +=1: xCir2 -=2
iF xCir1 >=800 Then xCir1 =0
iF xCir2 <=0 Then xCir2 =800
px = CircleCollision xCir2-xCir1,yCir2-yCir1, rCir1+rCir2
iF px Then color = RGB(Rand(24,200),Rand(24,200),Rand(24,200))
Box xBox1,yBox1,40,40,RGB(255,255,255)
Box xBox2,yBox2,20,20,RGB(255,255,255)
xBox1 +=2: xBox2 -=2
iF xBox1 >=800 Then xBox1 =0
iF xBox2 <=0 Then xBox2 =840
jx = BoxCollision xBox2-xBox1,yBox2-yBox1,30
iF jx Then color or=255
WaitFrames 80