Charles, i like the idea of building an option for my PluriBASIC to generate Oxygen code, in fact, its is already in place and pretty advanced. It is now generating a vast language but i kind of needed to be guessing, because there is no definitive syntax.
I am also afraid that once i finish an area, the syntax could change and i would need to re-do it. I personally do not mind what syntax you use, i can adapt the engine that PluriBASIC uses to generate whatever code needed, but i do need it to be stable.
One of the reasons i made my own functions for PHP was that it likes deprecating stuff, and my engine adapts to whatever version of PHP. So, I would suggest you to decide the final syntax, add it and any future features for a statement to be added as extra, and not as "instead of".
I understand the problems that developing software and at the same time documenting it represents, because i have the same problem, but, to build on top of something, the cimentation must be well stablished.
What do you think?