As long as OxyLISP and FBLisp (re-written in DynC) stay as include files for other projects, they can interact easily with other parts of the project programmatically as soon as we add a LISP command that would allow BL to run LISP code
from memory rather than keyboard or file only, and provide the corresponding returns to the BASIC caller. I hope there
is some such standard command in the Scheme vocabulary. Also, OxyLISP and FBLisp can enjoy in their engines whatever the respective BASIC's have to offer natively, for example, graphics.
This isn't however the case with SBLisp. It can't stay as is in this interpretative form as an include file because it will be too slow. So it must be re-written in C either directly or via CBASIC and compiled as a dynamic library extension. Then it will be able to communicate with its SB host via the same exec-from-memory mechanism but it will have to have its own intrinsic bindings to the other SB luxuries such as e.g. SB's IUP graphics.
Or SBLisp can stay as a CBASIC or C include file for C-based SB projects where SB is used as an embeddable engine. Then it could enjoy common resources, e.g. IUP graphics again, that have their bindings with such a C language based project as a whole.
I don't see any reason why it shouldn't or couldn't be done like that.