1. Exactly which controls failed to install under Wine?
2. Of course it may happen that there would be no such a path under Wine as shown in your last message. I'm currently under XP and not very eager to reboot for investigation. Have a look into your Wine's \system32 folder to see if there's an equivalent to stdole2.tlb there (that's an OLE types library). If not then try to copy one from your XP installation. Then start your VB5CC, open some new (template) project, goto Project->References, click the Browse button, navigate to your Wine's \system32, and select the stdole2.tlb that you copied there.
You can try to do the exact same thing with the two controls that failed to register, but going along the Project->Components route this time.
The main idea is that when you add a reference to a TLB or OCX to a VB project in this manner, the respective module gets registered in your system automatically if it wasn't registered before. I think Wine should be able to mimic this behavior otherwise it won't be able to run applications of the MS Office family, which it is.