>! | declare a procedure with its prototype (may be external or declared in advance)
declare a procedure with its prototype (may be external or declared in advance)
>#alert | generates a compiler message (like an error)
>#assign | '=' always to be an assignment operator in conditional statements
>#autodim | enable variables to be created without a Dim statement
>#blockdepth | return block nesting depth.
>#byref | pass parameter using its address instead of its value
>#byval | pass parameter by value (not by its address)
>#case | specify mode of case sensitivity.
>#compact | remove unused code
>#console | programs compiled to EXE/DLL will run in an existing console (MS Subsystem 3)
>#def | define a low level macro
>#define | define a macro (C syntax)
>#dim | set default data type
>#elif | include block of code if these alternative conditions are met
>#else | alternative block of code to include if prior conditions are not met.
>#elseif | include block of code if these alternative conditions are met
>#endif | end of conditional code inclusion block
>#endv | creates a window for compiler listings.
>#error | generates a compiler error message
>#fi | end of conditional code inclusion block
>#file | specifiy a filename for compiled code ( .EXE or .DLL )
>#if | include block of code if conditions are met
>#ifdef | include code if symbol already defined
>#ifndef | include code if symbol already defined
>#include | include source code from another file
>#lookahead | internally creates header declarations for all procedures.
>#noinit | prevent variables from being automatically initialised to nul within a procedure
>#noprec | directive to evaluate an expression from left to right, ignoring standard operator precedence rules.
>#pragma | ignored (C style compiler directives)
>#print | display a constant expression during compilation
>#recordof | return internal record of a declared entity.
>#semicolon | switch use of semicolon as comment marker or separator
>#show | displays the translated code of a statement during compilation
>#undef | remove a previously defined symbol
>#undefine | remove a previously defined symbol
>#unique | flags an error if a a symbol definition is not unique (in the same nesting level)
>#view | creates a window for compiler listings.
>$ | define an equate (which can be used as constants)
>% | define an equate (which can be used as constants)
>* | return the integer value located by the address contained in the variable
>? | return the integer value contained in the variable
>@ | return the address of a variable
>_def | define a low level system macro
>addr | resolve address of a variable (assembler)
>alias | define another name for a name
>any | |
>any | primitive types
>asc | returns ascii encoding of a character in a string
>asciiz | |
>asciiz | primitive types
>asciiz2 | |
>asciiz2 | primitive types
>bind | bind a list of procedures from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
>block | start a block
>bool | |
>bool | primitive types
>break | exit a switch block
>bstr | |
>bstr | primitive types
>bstring | |
>bstring | primitive types
>bstring2 | |
>bstring2 | primitive types
>byte | |
>byte | primitive types
>case | specify a case to match followed by actions to perform
>cast | change or specify the type of a variable temporarily, in an expression
>char | |
>char | primitive types
>chr | returns string of 1 character of ascii encoding (0..255)
>class | define a class (strucure and methods for objects)
>comparestr | compare first string with second string
>compile | compiles a string of source code and return address of executable machine code (which cn be called)
>const | define a set of constants
>continue | go back to the beginning of a Do or While block
>convert | explicitly convert the type of an expression.
>copy | string to another location by a specified number of bytes
>copy0 | copy null terminated string to another location
>copy00 | copy null terminated string of wide (2 byte) characters to another location
>copyn | string to another location by a specified number of bytes
>cpu | |
>cpu | primitive types
>cstr_ | |
>cstr_ | primitive types
>declare | declare a procedure with its prototype (may be external or declared in advance)
>def | define a low level macro
>deff | create an assembly code macro for the FPU (metatype -17)
>del | Call a dynamic object's destructor method and disallocate its memory block.
>dim | define a set of variables
>do | start a block for repetition (looping)
>double | |
>double | primitive types
>dword | |
>dword | primitive types
>else | starts the alternative block where none of the prior conditions are met
>elseif | make an alternative test if the previous condition was not met.
>embedfile | specifiy a file to be embedded in the data section
>encodingof | return the operand encoding of a variable or macro
>enddo | end a do repeating block
>end do
| end a do repeating block
>endif | end the conditional block
>end if
| end the conditional block
>endsel | end the select block
>end select
| end the select block
>endwhile | end a while block
>end while
| end a while block
>enum | create an enumeration
>error | returns a string containing the most recent compile or runtime errors (cleared at start of compiling)
>exit | exit a do while for (...) block immediately
>extended | |
>extended | primitive types
>extern | associate declared procedures with a calling convention and/or dll name
>false | insert 0
>float | |
>float | primitive types
>for | start an iteration block
>fpu | |
>fpu | primitive types
>freelibrary | free library
>freelibs | free all loaded DLL libraries only (at end of program)
>freememory | free previously allocated memory block
>frees | deallocates a bstring
>freestrings | deallocate all remaining static strings only (at end of program)
>function | define a function
>getfile | copies file content to a string
>getmemory | allocate block of memory and return its base address
>getprocaddress | get procedure address
>gosub | call a labelled subroutine
>goto | jump to a specified label in the code
>gstr_ | |
>gstr_ | primitive types
>guidtxt | converts guidval to guidstring
>guidval | converts guid string to guidval
>hex | returns hexadecimal string representation of integer part of number
>hiword | return bits 16..31 of an integer expression
>if | start a conditional block with a test
>incl | expand macro non recursively without parameter substitutions
>include | include source code from another file
>includepath | define a filepath for source files specified by include.
>indexbase | define the index base for an array
>indexers | specify register to be used to access variables
>instr | returns position of String2 within string1 searching from start position
>int | |
>int | primitive types
>integer | |
>integer | primitive types
>lcase | returns lowercase of string
>left | returns left part of a string by length
>len | returns length of string in charaters
>let | defines a variable or object
>lib | specify the name of a DLL library to associate with a set of procedure declarations
>library | specify the name of a DLL library to associate with a set of procedure declarations
>librarypath | define a filepath for DLL files
>loadlibrary | load a library (if not already loaded) and return its handle
>local | define a local set of variables
>long | |
>long | primitive types
>loword | return the lower 16 bits of an integer expression
>ltrim | returns string with white space on the left trimmed off
>macro | define a high level macro
>mbox | display message null-terminated ascii string
>method | define a method. (a function or sub for objects)
>methods | start a methods block for a class of objects.
>mid | (command) patches string2 into string1 as position
>mid | (function) returns part of string1 at position with length
>new | create a dynamic object and call its constructor method.
>news | allocates a bstring of null characters given the length in bytes
>next | end iteration block
>null | force pointer value to be 0
>nuls | returns the address of a string of null characters given the length.
>o2 | start a block of o2 machine code notation
>offset | specifty base offset to be used to access variables
>offsetof | return offset of variable from index register
>packed | prevent padding between members of a type or typedef
>print | Displays strings and numbers
>prototypeof | return prototype(s) of functions, subs and high level macros
>putfile | saves a string to a file
>quad | |
>quad | primitive types
>quote | specify tagname for superquotes
>qword | |
>qword | primitive types
>readstate | read state records into compiler's state buffer.
>recordof | return record of compound (UDT) variable
>redim | create or resize a dynamic array, preserving contents within range
>rem | comment till end of line
>retn | macro ret n. Releases correct number of bytes at end of procedure (in stdcall convention)
>return | exit from a procedure returning a value (in a function or method)
>right | returns right part of a string by length
>rtrim | returns string with white space on the right trimmed off
>sbyte | |
>sbyte | primitive types
>scope | start a scope
>select | Start a Case block (C style)
>short | |
>short | primitive types
>signed | specifies the type to be of signed integer
>single | |
>single | primitive types
>sizeof | return length of variable element (in bytes)
>skip | start a skip block.
>space | returns a string of spaces
>spanof | return span of array variable dimension
>static | define a static set of variables, (persistant but invisible outsid the block)
>step | specify increment of an iteration
>str | returns string representation of number
>string | |
>string | primitive types
>string | returns a string of characters
>string2 | |
>string2 | primitive types
>strptr | return a string pointer
>struct | define a compound variable type (C Syntax)
>structureof | return data structure of compund (UDT) or variabe
>sub | define a sub. (like a function but not returning a value)
>switch | Start a Case block (C style)
>sys | |
>sys | primitive types
>terminate | Deallocate all Strings, static variables and free DLL libraries (at end of program).
This is automatically appended unless it is detected in the program.
It is composed of the three macros below: FreeLibs FreeStrings. If either
of these are used then Terminate itself will not be automatically appended.
>that | suppress automatic "this" prefix inside OOP methods
>then | starts the conditional block where the prior test is met.
>this | explicitly refer to an object's own members
>to | specify limit of an iteration
>true | insert -1
>type | define a compound variable type
>typecodeof | return type code number of variables and literals.
>typedef | define a set of types (C syntax)
>typeof | return name of the variable type
>ubyte | |
>ubyte | primitive types
>ucase | returns uppercase of string
>uint | |
>uint | primitive types
>ulong | |
>ulong | primitive types
>undef | remove a previously defined symbol
>unic | returns encoding of a character in a wide string
>union | define a union (C syntax)
>unsigned | specifies the type to be of positive numbers only
>val | returns numeric value of string
>var | define a set of variables
>version | returns hexadecimal coding of current version number.
>void | |
>void | primitive types
>wchar | |
>wchar | primitive types
>wchr | returns wide string of a 2 byte character (encoding 0..65535 / 0xffff)
>wend | end a while block
>end while
| end a while block
>while | start a block for conditional repetition
>wide | |
>wide | primitive types
>with | specify a variable name prefix for assignments
>word | |
>word | primitive types
>wstring | |
>wstring | primitive types
>zstring | |
>zstring | primitive types
>zstring2 | |
>zstring2 | primitive types
>!= | operators
>#define | macros
>$ | equates
>$ | macros
>% | equates
>% | macros
>& | operators
>&& | operators
>&= | operators
>' | comment till end of line
>( | blocks
>* | operators
>*/ | terminate comment block
>*= | operators
>+ | operators
>+= | operators
>- | operators
>-= | operators
>/ | operators
>/* | comment till end of block
>// | comment till end of line
>/= | operators
>:= | operators
>; | comment till end of line
>< | operators
><< | operators
><< | operators
><= | operators
><= | operators
><> | operators
>= | operators
>== | operators
>> | operators
>> | operators
>>= | operators
>>> | operators
>>>> | operators
>OOP | object oriented programming
>\ | operators
>abs | returns the absolute value of a number (removes negative sign)
>acos | returns angle in radians given the ratio x/radius
>alias | |
>and | operators
>and= | operators
>arrays | creating arrays
>asin | returns angle in radians given the ratio y/radius
>atan | returns angle in radians given the values of y and x
>atn | returns angle in radians given ratio y/x
>block | blocks
>case | selection blocks
>case | selection blocks
>cdecl | calling conventions
>ceil | round up the value to the most positive integer
>class | object oriented programming
>com | |
>com | object oriented programming
>continue | loop blocks
>cos | returns cosine value (ratio of x/r) given angle in radians
>cpu | calling conventions
>def | macros
>deff | macros
>deg | returns degrees from value given in radians
>del | object oriented programming
>dim | creating variables
>do | loop blocks
>else | conditional blocks
>elseif | conditional blocks
>end | marks the end of a code block
>enddo | loop blocks
>endif | conditional blocks
>endselect | selection blocks
>exit | loop blocks
>exp | returns exponent of a value
>export | |
>extends | |
>external | |
>floor | round down the value to the most negative integer
>for | iteration blocks
>fpu | calling conventions
>frac | returns the fractional part of a value
>from | |
>from | object oriented programming
>function | procedural blocks
>gosub | procedural blocks
>has | |
>has | object oriented programming
>hypot | returns the hypotenuse (longest side) of a right angle triangle given the other 2 sides.
>if | conditional blocks
>inherits | object oriented programming
>leaf | calling conventions
>lib | |
>lin | returns the logarthm of the first value to base e (2.71828182845904523536….)
>log | returns the logarthm of the first value to base e (2.71828182845904523536….)
>log10 | returns the logarthm of the first value to base 10
>log2 | returns the logarthm of the first value to base 2
>logn | returns the logarthm of the first value to the base of the second value.
>macro | macros
>macro | macro operator sets
>method | procedural blocks
>mod | returns the remainder of first value divided by the second value
>ms64 | calling conventions
>new | object oriented programming
>next | iteration blocks
>not | (bits) inverts bits
>not | (conditional) invert conditional logic
>numberformat | control how numbers are converted to strings
>o2 | blocks
>objects | object oriented programming
>of | |
>of | object oriented programming
>once | secondary keyword
>or | operators
>or= | operators
>pascal | calling conventions
>pi | returns pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
>pow | returns the value of the first value to the power of the second value
>private | |
>private | object oriented programming
>protected | |
>protected | object oriented programming
>public | |
>public | object oriented programming
>pure | object oriented programming
>rad | returns value in radians, given degrees
>recip | returns reciprocal of value: a=1/v
>round | returns a value rounded to the nearest whole number (rounded up or down)
>scope | blocks
>select | selection blocks
>sgn | returns -1 for negative values, 0 for zero and 1 for positive values
>sin | returns the sine of a value given in radians
>skip | blocks
>sqr | returns the square root of a value
>sqrt | returns the square root of a value
>stdcall | calling conventions
>step | iteration blocks
>sub | procedural blocks
>tan | returns the tangent of a value given in radians
>then | conditional blocks
>to | iteration blocks
>trunc | truncate the fractional part of a value and return it
>type | inherited structures
>type | compound structures
>virtual | |
>virtual | object oriented programming
>wend | loop blocks
>while | loop blocks
>xor | operators
>xor=" | operators
>| | operators
>|= | operators
>|| | operators