Keyword List

! declare a procedure with its prototype (may be external or declared in advance) declare a procedure with its prototype (may be external or declared in advance)
#alert generates a compiler message (like an error)
#assign '=' always to be an assignment operator in conditional statements
#autodim enable variables to be created without a Dim statement
#blockdepth return block nesting depth.
#byref pass parameter using its address instead of its value
#byval pass parameter by value (not by its address)
#case specify mode of case sensitivity.
#compact remove unused code
#console programs compiled to EXE/DLL will run in an existing console (MS Subsystem 3)
#def define a low level macro
#define define a macro (C syntax)
#dim set default data type
#elif include block of code if these alternative conditions are met
#else alternative block of code to include if prior conditions are not met.
#elseif include block of code if these alternative conditions are met
#endif end of conditional code inclusion block
#endv creates a window for compiler listings.
#error generates a compiler error message
#fi end of conditional code inclusion block
#file specifiy a filename for compiled code ( .EXE or .DLL )
#if include block of code if conditions are met
#ifdef include code if symbol already defined
#ifndef include code if symbol already defined
#include include source code from another file
#lookahead internally creates header declarations for all procedures.
#noinit prevent variables from being automatically initialised to nul within a procedure
#noprec directive to evaluate an expression from left to right, ignoring standard operator precedence rules.
#pragma ignored (C style compiler directives)
#print display a constant expression during compilation
#recordof return internal record of a declared entity.
#semicolon switch use of semicolon as comment marker or separator
#show displays the translated code of a statement during compilation
#undef remove a previously defined symbol
#undefine remove a previously defined symbol
#unique flags an error if a a symbol definition is not unique (in the same nesting level)
#view creates a window for compiler listings.
$ define an equate (which can be used as constants)
% define an equate (which can be used as constants)
* return the integer value located by the address contained in the variable
? return the integer value contained in the variable
@ return the address of a variable
_def define a low level system macro
addr resolve address of a variable (assembler)
alias define another name for a name
any primitive types
asc returns ascii encoding of a character in a string
asciiz primitive types
asciiz2 primitive types
bind bind a list of procedures from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
block start a block
bool primitive types
break exit a switch block
bstr primitive types
bstring primitive types
bstring2 primitive types
byte primitive types
case specify a case to match followed by actions to perform
cast change or specify the type of a variable temporarily, in an expression
char primitive types
chr returns string of 1 character of ascii encoding (0..255)
class define a class (strucure and methods for objects)
comparestr compare first string with second string
compile compiles a string of source code and return address of executable machine code (which cn be called)
const define a set of constants
continue go back to the beginning of a Do or While block
convert explicitly convert the type of an expression.
copy string to another location by a specified number of bytes
copy0 copy null terminated string to another location
copy00 copy null terminated string of wide (2 byte) characters to another location
copyn string to another location by a specified number of bytes
cpu primitive types
cstr_ primitive types
declare declare a procedure with its prototype (may be external or declared in advance)
def define a low level macro
deff create an assembly code macro for the FPU (metatype -17)
del Call a dynamic object's destructor method and disallocate its memory block.
dim define a set of variables
do start a block for repetition (looping)
double primitive types
dword primitive types
else starts the alternative block where none of the prior conditions are met
elseif make an alternative test if the previous condition was not met.
embedfile specifiy a file to be embedded in the data section
encodingof return the operand encoding of a variable or macro
enddo end a do repeating block
end do end a do repeating block
endif end the conditional block
end if end the conditional block
endsel end the select block
end select end the select block
endwhile end a while block
end while end a while block
enum create an enumeration
error returns a string containing the most recent compile or runtime errors (cleared at start of compiling)
exit exit a do while for (...) block immediately
extended primitive types
extern associate declared procedures with a calling convention and/or dll name
false insert 0
float primitive types
for start an iteration block
fpu primitive types
freelibrary free library
freelibs free all loaded DLL libraries only (at end of program)
freememory free previously allocated memory block
frees deallocates a bstring
freestrings deallocate all remaining static strings only (at end of program)
function define a function
getfile copies file content to a string
getmemory allocate block of memory and return its base address
getprocaddress get procedure address
gosub call a labelled subroutine
goto jump to a specified label in the code
gstr_ primitive types
guidtxt converts guidval to guidstring
guidval converts guid string to guidval
hex returns hexadecimal string representation of integer part of number
hiword return bits 16..31 of an integer expression
if start a conditional block with a test
incl expand macro non recursively without parameter substitutions
include include source code from another file
includepath define a filepath for source files specified by include.
indexbase define the index base for an array
indexers specify register to be used to access variables
instr returns position of String2 within string1 searching from start position
int primitive types
integer primitive types
lcase returns lowercase of string
left returns left part of a string by length
len returns length of string in charaters
let defines a variable or object
lib specify the name of a DLL library to associate with a set of procedure declarations
library specify the name of a DLL library to associate with a set of procedure declarations
librarypath define a filepath for DLL files
loadlibrary load a library (if not already loaded) and return its handle
local define a local set of variables
long primitive types
loword return the lower 16 bits of an integer expression
ltrim returns string with white space on the left trimmed off
macro define a high level macro
mbox display message null-terminated ascii string
method define a method. (a function or sub for objects)
methods start a methods block for a class of objects.
mid (command) patches string2 into string1 as position
mid (function) returns part of string1 at position with length
new create a dynamic object and call its constructor method.
news allocates a bstring of null characters given the length in bytes
next end iteration block
null force pointer value to be 0
nuls returns the address of a string of null characters given the length.
o2 start a block of o2 machine code notation
offset specifty base offset to be used to access variables
offsetof return offset of variable from index register
packed prevent padding between members of a type or typedef
print Displays strings and numbers
prototypeof return prototype(s) of functions, subs and high level macros
putfile saves a string to a file
quad primitive types
quote specify tagname for superquotes
qword primitive types
readstate read state records into compiler's state buffer.
recordof return record of compound (UDT) variable
redim create or resize a dynamic array, preserving contents within range
rem comment till end of line
retn macro ret n. Releases correct number of bytes at end of procedure (in stdcall convention)
return exit from a procedure returning a value (in a function or method)
right returns right part of a string by length
rtrim returns string with white space on the right trimmed off
sbyte primitive types
scope start a scope
select Start a Case block (C style)
short primitive types
signed specifies the type to be of signed integer
single primitive types
sizeof return length of variable element (in bytes)
skip start a skip block.
space returns a string of spaces
spanof return span of array variable dimension
static define a static set of variables, (persistant but invisible outsid the block)
step specify increment of an iteration
str returns string representation of number
string primitive types
string returns a string of characters
string2 primitive types
strptr return a string pointer
struct define a compound variable type (C Syntax)
structureof return data structure of compund (UDT) or variabe
sub define a sub. (like a function but not returning a value)
switch Start a Case block (C style)
sys primitive types
terminate Deallocate all Strings, static variables and free DLL libraries (at end of program). This is automatically appended unless it is detected in the program. It is composed of the three macros below: FreeLibs FreeStrings. If either of these are used then Terminate itself will not be automatically appended.
that suppress automatic "this" prefix inside OOP methods
then starts the conditional block where the prior test is met.
this explicitly refer to an object's own members
to specify limit of an iteration
true insert -1
type define a compound variable type
typecodeof return type code number of variables and literals.
typedef define a set of types (C syntax)
typeof return name of the variable type
ubyte primitive types
ucase returns uppercase of string
uint primitive types
ulong primitive types
undef remove a previously defined symbol
unic returns encoding of a character in a wide string
union define a union (C syntax)
unsigned specifies the type to be of positive numbers only
val returns numeric value of string
var define a set of variables
version returns hexadecimal coding of current version number.
void primitive types
wchar primitive types
wchr returns wide string of a 2 byte character (encoding 0..65535 / 0xffff)
wend end a while block
end while end a while block
while start a block for conditional repetition
wide primitive types
with specify a variable name prefix for assignments
word primitive types
wstring primitive types
zstring primitive types
zstring2 primitive types
!= operators
#define macros
$ equates
$ macros
% equates
% macros
& operators
&& operators
&= operators
' comment till end of line
( blocks
* operators
*/ terminate comment block
*= operators
+ operators
+= operators
- operators
-= operators
/ operators
/* comment till end of block
// comment till end of line
/= operators
:= operators
; comment till end of line
< operators
<< operators
<< operators
<= operators
<= operators
<> operators
= operators
== operators
> operators
> operators
>= operators
>> operators
>>> operators
OOP object oriented programming
\ operators
abs returns the absolute value of a number (removes negative sign)
acos returns angle in radians given the ratio x/radius
and operators
and= operators
arrays creating arrays
asin returns angle in radians given the ratio y/radius
atan returns angle in radians given the values of y and x
atn returns angle in radians given ratio y/x
block blocks
case selection blocks
case selection blocks
cdecl calling conventions
ceil round up the value to the most positive integer
class object oriented programming
com object oriented programming
continue loop blocks
cos returns cosine value (ratio of x/r) given angle in radians
cpu calling conventions
def macros
deff macros
deg returns degrees from value given in radians
del object oriented programming
dim creating variables
do loop blocks
else conditional blocks
elseif conditional blocks
end marks the end of a code block
enddo loop blocks
endif conditional blocks
endselect selection blocks
exit loop blocks
exp returns exponent of a value
floor round down the value to the most negative integer
for iteration blocks
fpu calling conventions
frac returns the fractional part of a value
from object oriented programming
function procedural blocks
gosub procedural blocks
has object oriented programming
hypot returns the hypotenuse (longest side) of a right angle triangle given the other 2 sides.
if conditional blocks
inherits object oriented programming
leaf calling conventions
lin returns the logarthm of the first value to base e (2.71828182845904523536….)
log returns the logarthm of the first value to base e (2.71828182845904523536….)
log10 returns the logarthm of the first value to base 10
log2 returns the logarthm of the first value to base 2
logn returns the logarthm of the first value to the base of the second value.
macro macros
macro macro operator sets
method procedural blocks
mod returns the remainder of first value divided by the second value
ms64 calling conventions
new object oriented programming
next iteration blocks
not (bits) inverts bits
not (conditional) invert conditional logic
numberformat control how numbers are converted to strings
o2 blocks
objects object oriented programming
of object oriented programming
once secondary keyword
or operators
or= operators
pascal calling conventions
pi returns pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
pow returns the value of the first value to the power of the second value
private object oriented programming
protected object oriented programming
public object oriented programming
pure object oriented programming
rad returns value in radians, given degrees
recip returns reciprocal of value: a=1/v
round returns a value rounded to the nearest whole number (rounded up or down)
scope blocks
select selection blocks
sgn returns -1 for negative values, 0 for zero and 1 for positive values
sin returns the sine of a value given in radians
skip blocks
sqr returns the square root of a value
sqrt returns the square root of a value
stdcall calling conventions
step iteration blocks
sub procedural blocks
tan returns the tangent of a value given in radians
then conditional blocks
to iteration blocks
trunc truncate the fractional part of a value and return it
type inherited structures
type compound structures
virtual object oriented programming
wend loop blocks
while loop blocks
xor operators
xor=" operators
| operators
|= operators
|| operators