Hi Mike
Sorry but the size reduction is mainly because you skip the full text search , in that version you are not able to get all the topics.
It's a reduced size version but also with reduced features. ( your previous version was with full text search )
I've also almost same size (5.1 Mb vs 4.8 mb) without the full text search, I think it's better with.
Thank's also for the HELPDECO.EXE, but I've already get it , even with its Gui companion ...
I've also tested the HHPMod tool and HelpScribble, without success...
Finally, I am doing like you for smaller hlp files , but I simply did not want to spend the time for the TOC for this huge file : You did It ! Thanks a lot.
before finding your version , i've also used the one made by chr1x on
http://tuts4you.com/but it was without Toc for obvious reason ( He did not spend the time), and less features than your previous version.
Mike : could you try to recompile but with full text search to see if is significant size reduction
and Charles , I think it's better to wait a little