Hi Aurel,
as you asked about awinh35.inc, I downloaded your project and it runs ok with me, if I comment out: include RTL32.inc in AurelEdit.o2bas. I did not use the exe file. I also replaced gxo2.dll, oxygen.dll,Scilexer.dll with the files of Oygen Beta and removed RTL32.inc from the folder.
I did not test much. "Web Site" and "add compiler Path" seem not to be integrated? Find does not work correctly, it does only find whole words. Save seems not to work if I enter a different filename. Running a compiled file does not work: missing oxygen.dll (because oxygen.cfg is missing)
I can only tell you what I would do and have done. I removed gxo2.exe, oxygen.dll, RTL32.inc, SciLexer.dll from the folder. They are really not necessary. And if someone would compile a program he / she will need a path to Oxygen's include files anyway.
At the beginning of AurelEdit.o2bas I inserted:
$ Filename "AurelEdit.exe"
'Include "RTL32.inc"
use corewin
Include "awinh035.inc"
For developing I modified the line 147:
string gxName="\gxo2.exe" ' for oxygen change path to \gxo2.exe
string gxName="c:\oxygenbasic\gxo2.exe" ' for oxygen change path to \gxo2.exe
and the line 887:
sRet = ShellExecute(0,"open",cdPath,"-c" + fName,"" , 5) ' if work sRet = 42
sRet = ShellExecute(0,"open",gxName,"-c" + fName,"" , 5) ' if work sRet = 42
Then in awinh035.inc I commented out line 579-699
Dim kernel32,user32,gdi32,riched32,comdialog32,comctl32
Declare Function ImageList_AddMasked Lib "comctl32.dll" (byval hImageList as sys,byval hBitmap as sys,byval crMask as sys) as sys
After saving Aureledit.o2bas and awinh035.inc I ran AurelEdit.
Following the error messages, I modified in AurelEdit:
Line 150: GetCurrentDirectory
and in awinh035.inc I added in Line 700:
Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
I now have at least a running AurelEdit.o2bas. It does not work correctly, because for using the unprotyped WinApi functions most probably some parameters must be applied differently, e.g. after compiling a loaded file and running the compiled exe (with error message) the tabs will disapear.
But before examining the subs and functions I would first check which structures and constants I will not need, because they are already included in WinData.inc. Then I would go into the details.
But as I stated, this is only what I would do (trial and error).