Splendid Mike
-14 C is cold and we are having -6 C last night. Where are you located?
This mystery is
easy to resolve.
How did you paste these images on the forum's post?
You can only post images full size if they are located on some other server, by enclosing the image link in the
[ img ][ /img ] tags that your
Mona Lisa button would provide in your full message editor.
Message attachments including images, zips, etc. would only be available for 90 days upon posting and would then be deleted automatically to keep the site bandwidth and its server disk footprint low.
Jak sie nazywa ten piekny ptak ktory odwiedzil moj balkon dzisiaj ?
(Polish::English: What is the name of this beautiful bird that visited my balcony today?)
Ten piękny ptak, który odwiedził balkon szanowanego Pana, najprawdopodobniej nazywał się
Periparus ater britannicus, lyb sosnówka. Charles nazwie go "coal tit", a ja nazwę go "moskówka" ("москòвка").
(Pol::Eng: The beautiful bird that visited the balcony of the respectable sir would be most probably called Periparus ater britannicus , or a tit. Charles would call it "coal tit" and I would call it "moskòwka" ("москòвка"))