Hi John,
I've now got the module interface working. I found Assembler was the easiest way to do it. This is my workbench code for testing various data types.
Because it is not using the macros and a C compiler, we have to trust in the stability of the data structures and function tables across different builds.
Do you normally recompile all the extension modules when the core SB is recompiled?
'extension module for ScriptBasic:
'23:02 11/05/2011
'23:31 13/05/2011
'Charles Pegge
#file "mdlt.dll"
function versmodu cdecl (sys Version, pszVariation, ppModuleInternal) as sys export
'print "Version: " hex version
return Version
end function
function bootmodu cdecl (sys pSt, ppModuleInternal, pParameters, pReturnValue) as sys export
'print "Boot!"
end function
function finimodu cdecl (sys pSt, ppModuleInternal, pParameters, pReturnValue) as sys export
'print "Finish!"
end function
function trial cdecl (sys pSt, ppModuleInternal, pParameters, pReturnValue) as sys export
sys p,t,v,w,pm,pn
string s
if pParameters=0 then
print "no params"
mov ecx,pparameters
mov eax,[ecx+8] : shr eax,2 : mov w,eax
'mov eax,[ecx+12] : mov t,al
'print "No of Arguments given: " w
mov ecx,pparameters
mov ecx,[ecx] 'array of param pointers
mov eax,pn : dec eax : shl eax,2
mov ecx,[ecx+eax] 'array offset to get pparam
mov pm,ecx
'to string f4 / to long f8 / to double fc
mov ecx,pSt : mov eax,[ecx] : push [eax+0x8c] : push pm : push eax : call [ecx+0xf4]
mov ecx,eax
mov p,ecx
zstring* z : &z=*p
'print "As String: " z
mov ecx,pSt : mov eax,[ecx] : push [eax+0x8c] : push pm : push eax : call [ecx+0xf8]
mov ecx,[eax]
mov p,ecx
'print "As Long: " p
mov ecx,pSt : mov eax,[ecx] : push [eax+0x8c] : push pm : push eax : call [ecx+0xfc]
mov ecx,eax
mov p,ecx
double*d : &d=p
print "As Double: " d
'mov eax,[ecx] : mov p,eax 'value / pointer
'mov eax,[ecx+8] : mov w,eax 'size
'mov eax,[ecx+12] : and eax,-1 : mov t,eax
'type codes 0 undef 1 double 2 long 3 zstring* 4 zchar ff ptr
end if
'check stack:
'mov w,esp
' 00c string 010 long 018 double
'long v=456
'mov ecx,pst : mov eax,[ecx] : push [eax+0x8c] : push [eax+0x94] : call [ecx+0x10]
'mov ecx,pReturnValue : mov [ecx],eax : mov edx,v : mov [eax],edx
'double d=1234.5678
'mov ecx,pst : mov eax,[ecx] : push [eax+0x8c] : push [eax+0x94] : call [ecx+0x18]
'mov ecx,pReturnValue : mov [ecx],eax : fld qword d : fstp qword [eax]
long ls=8 'length excluding null terminators
zstring z at p
mov ecx,pst : mov eax,[ecx] : push [eax+0x8c] : push ls : push [eax+0x94] : call [ecx+0x0c]
mov ecx,pReturnValue : mov [ecx],eax : mov eax,[eax] : mov p,eax
z="ABCDEFGH" 'direct input
'NB: beware cdecl cleanup.
'sub w,esp
'print "check stack: " hex w
end function