Yes I see.
Here is some console code for OxygenBasic/tools/toolSrc. It shows how to setup simple console i/o.
I think you need to make a call to kernel32.dll
ConsOut=GetStdHandle (%STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
library "KERNEL32.DLL"
declare FUNCTION AllocConsole ALIAS "AllocConsole" () AS LONG
declare FUNCTION GetCommandLine ALIAS "GetCommandLineA" () AS DWORD
declare FUNCTION GetStdHandle ALIAS "GetStdHandle" (BYVAL handle AS DWORD) AS DWORD
declare FUNCTION WriteConsole ALIAS "WriteConsoleA" (BYVAL hConsoleOutput AS DWORD, lpBuffer AS ASCIIZ, BYVAL nNumberOfCharsToWrite AS LONG, lpNumberOfCharsWritten AS LONG, BYVAL lpReserved AS LONG) AS LONG
declare FUNCTION ReadConsole ALIAS "ReadConsoleA" (BYVAL hConsoleInput AS DWORD, BYVAL lpBuffer AS DWORD, BYVAL nNumberOfCharsToRead AS LONG, lpNumberOfCharsRead AS LONG, pInputControl AS ANY) AS LONG
declare FUNCTION SetConsoleTitle ALIAS "SetConsoleTitleA" (lpConsoleTitle AS ASCIIZ) AS LONG
library ""
dim as long consIn,consOut,consErr
ConsIn =GetStdHandle (%STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
ConsOut=GetStdHandle (%STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
ConsErr=GetStdHandle (%STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
dim as string bufin
dim as long buflen,bufrit
dim as string tab,cr,qu
tab=chr 9
qu=chr 34
bufin=nuls 1000
SetConsoleTitle "Oxygen PE SPY"
function output(bufout as string)
buflen=len bufout
WriteConsole ConsOut,bufout,buflen,bufrit,0
end function
function input(s as string) as string
output s
ReadConsole consin,*bufin,100,bufrit,0
function=left bufin,bufrit
end function
function commandline() as string
dim byref z as zstring
end function
function stripquotes(s as string) as string
dim as long a
if a=34 then
a=instr 2,s,qu
s=mid s,2,a-2
end if
end function