This topic is on the Open Forum board, it is about a RAD/IDE/editor software product, and it is certainly related to O2 programming. I don't understand why you should be so hard on another forum member when he's talking shop in a place that's been dedicated exactly for this purpose. Please stop scaring people off O2. You seem to be seeing things that aren't there.
Your editor topic is going to stay locked, even if only as an example of what should not be done on a technical board of this forum: lack of exact technical information, verbosity, and unsubstantiated attacks on the forum's other members and thus, indirectly, on the O2 community.
You're talking about tolerance but in fact, you deny other people's right to have a similar attitude towards your own persona when you're starting to talk nonsense -- I mean ideologically, not Google translation-wise.
Do not provoke friction and then nobody will get hurt or banned, and there will be no need to apologize or unsubscribe.