Guys, I spent the last couple of days cleaning out the SciTe properties files and organzing them so it is easy to make changes. - general scite properties are set here, what is visible etc.
These are now located in the IDE subfolder: - you set Keywords in this file.
ThemeLight, - to change color and font settings.
SciTeQuickReference.txt - I wrote this to help use scite easier. - X standing for the type of theme colors, Light, Dark etc. The default uses the light theme.
To change a theme, just comment and uncomment the appropriate lines in at the end of the file.
One last thing. I changed the output window from being at the bottom to being on the right side.
I think most of us have widescreen displays and I thought this is a better arrangement.
Update: Oxygen now comes with these files and fixes, so they have been removed from the attachments now.