Hi Petr,
I will do some more testing. It may be a latency problem producing the cracks. I have a friend with a Samsung laptop running Windows 7. - I'll see how it performs. Perhaps I cand post some more test pieces to you with different processing periods.
I found there was a slight hissing noise produced at the start on the compiled demo. This was cured by adding 'sleep 10' at the end of the WavoStart method in waves.inc.
Hi Kent,
I think you are running off an older Oxygen.dll, rather than the new one. There was a problem interpreting the wave audio C header: waves.h -( it would looker a lot cleaner in Basic.)
I have also made further changes to Oxygen in the last 24 hours, flushing out a few gremlins which came out of the woodwork when compiling the demos to 64 bit EXE. Yesterday was a hard day, but I caught them in the end.