Hi Matthew, Welcome to our forum.
Yes, we have had RTLs for some time now, that allow compiled programs to run without Oxygen. However, programs which use secondary/runtime compiling, such as an EVAL function, will still require Oxygen.
Simple example.
includepath "$/inc/"
%filename "t.exe"
include "RTL32.inc"
'include "RTL64.inc"
print "helo"
To run directly, all you have to do is comment out: 'include RTL..
Independent DLLs can also be created
includepath "$/inc/"
%filename "t.dll"
include "RTL32.inc"
'include "RTL64.inc"
function greeting() as sys, export
print "helo"
end function
When an alias is unspecified, the exported function name is used as it appears, ie: it is case-sensitive.